The ability of the word of God(Go to)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“Therefore we constantly thank God that ye heard the word of God to us, when will I receive the words of the word of God and truly goes out to just yea ye believeth in the History Center also.”(Thessalonians 2:13)

Today I went to in order to understand, first, you must understand the background of this period happened.
A little bit in the future, will look at the acts of the Apostles Chapter 16 from the degree of.
Paul in Troas “Night fantasies do you see Paul to let stand one because people that do this are to petition to help us come across as detractors and it wont go”(Line 16:9)As the first European to see the illusion that went across the continent. (더 보기…)

Is my witness "(Acts)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“Only the holy spirit unto you that ye come to Jerusalem and under power and get to the end of the Samaritan and the Jewish land shall be my witness.”(Line 1:8)

4The Gospels are historical acts followed after the first, followed by the. This book is a successor of the Apostles of Jesus, even the illusion of, Theory, Not even speculate. Literally is the acts of the Apostles. The Apostles actually've done will have recorded tracks in the Act.
Acts of the Apostles after the Ascension of Jesus and Holy Ghost., The Church was founded by the Holy Spirit, The Church then up the Gospel in Rome again mission about the fact is recorded in the left. If you look at the major figure of Peter and Paul and all of Paul's private 6 min 3, Peter's private 6 min 2 Other Apostles of this corresponds to 1 min. Peter's activities until the first 1-Chapter 12, The rest of Paul's activities 1, 2 and 3 to Chapter 28 up to travel and preach the car record of Rome travel. (더 보기…)

Get eternal life by faith "(John)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“Only this record ye as the son of God, Jesus Christ should believe this time it also gets its name due to its life-ye believe, shall”(John 20:31)

The lowest line of the Gospel of John written solidarity A.D. 70The apostle John, estimated up to limit line is not this when he returned to the island and sea tee top holistic A.D battery Mo. 96View by year. We see this as a 85-90 BC by narrowing the.
During the Decade of the 90 's vol. 27 New Testament record waned at the end is the Bible written in almost the best.
The Roman Emperor's third relentless persecution has passed and there is time to all disciples martyred.
And the Temple in Jerusalem also A.D. 70Is an age, she was. (더 보기…)


Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“The argument is lost shall find salvation”(Luke 19:10)

Who was born in Syria and Antioch appear to be studied medicine in more or less. Who is the Greek. All Bibles that have been written by the Jews and the acts of the Apostles is the Greek line recorded book Luke..
The New Testament scriptures were written all the Greek word as long as I have more control over Luke has been recorded. Well, this is reminiscent of the scene in time to say the pictorial representation of the daisies. If you look at the picture observed Luke. Take a look at the picture to drawing man Luke says it seemed. (더 보기…)

I am grateful that Christ(Mark)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“29 Also, ye shall become water level it's Peter answers this is Christ: and that are different to every 30 Don't say this to anyone on the self, and warning 31 The argument many hardships under the elders and priests and scribes who are being hunted down and deserted bar, I will have to live on only three days before they are to teach:”(Just 8:29-31)

It is also known as the author of the Gospel of John is calling. His mother believed in the Lord in Jerusalem, and the position was a man with a sizable Maria(Line 12:12). Also is a nephew of Barnabas(Goal 4:10), Peter was a disciple of(Peter 5:13). He and Barnabas and Paul, when the first missionary trip accompanied by the Goddard has been back from away. Because of this, the second missionary journey from Barnabas and Paul has been a reason for this part to be. (더 보기…)

The word of God, but Kira(Matthew)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
(Today, approximately 10 minutes earlier in a sermon by mistake, this has disappeared.)

“19 Go ye therefore, and Make disciples of all nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost baptism bepulgo 20 I teach you to keep everything to make bunbuhan Behold, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world earth”(T 28:19-20)

He was the author of the body of Matthew serie. Jesus ' disciples are the best asset that it was.
However, he is from a Jewish community ' sinner ' was branded an underprivileged(Just 2:14, Luke 5:27: However, that fact does not mean that you said, Matthew. The two times I had evidence of the evidence that Obama and who).
Matthew was a regretful that I figure during the 12 disciples. Nevertheless, he left this Gospel as he did some of the disciples of all has been a disciple of the great, take a. (더 보기…)

Love God(Book of Malachi)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“2 Jehovah unto ye love ye one. get the Lord how we would love to have that done, I say dub, Jacob's brother Jehovah but I love Jacob and philistine 3 It was the hate he was dead his mountains of industry Lee of the wilderness unto the hast” (더 보기…)

Leave the evil road(2)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“14 My name is named, my people pray their wicked, leaving the road as I find myself lowering my face to hear from heaven, and their sins, their lands at La 15 Now this place is holding a prayer I listen this Santorini 16 I have already consecrated this temple by my name here and forever did to make my eyes and in my heart I'm always here 17 If you wanted to row in front of me and your father David did as I commanded everything you done my monthly rate and keep the rule of law 18 Your country is firmly to the throne before I made a Covenant with David your father Israel to govern your shall not cut off from it shall be as”(Chronicles 7:14-18) (더 보기…)

Thanks, Prayer, And preach(Station of destination)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“8 You shall call his name and thank Jehovah, saying, oh he's done, and the taste, but it did announce during min”(Target 16:8)

At the end of the Hebrew Bible, the sex Chronicles are. Today I'm preaching the Bible by book yet did not cover article. I mind from Saint page was once going to the back of the stall right Gospels. Sex in the Old Testament are not covered, except for the article, yet the book is only in the book of Malachi. Is the Bible Old Testament and maxed out at the Chronicle, is independent of the Hebrew Bible and covering does not like this. So the Old Testament Bible Africa is dealing with this, and I thought at the time that the. That is the point of view of the Chronicle.
There we saw the King as a flag station. Contains everything a history of Israel here. Nevertheless, you have also written reasons in Chronicle. (더 보기…)

Only up to Jehovah.(Nehemiah)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“Only heaven's sky and that Jehovah: La and the land and the land of the Holy Ghost, but above all things water and sea and among those, but please preserve it, and so is the one worshiped the Lord all ye army”(Feel 9:6)

This book features can be classified into two major.
1) Nehemiah is a very challenging reading, animation to kick-start Israel by God as the book people and vibrant relationship with you and call them throughout their species himself when he responded to this call in the remnant that God shows how good he is.. Theologians ' Whitt com '(John. C. Whitcomb)Was rated as follows: in the book of Nehemiah. ' Better than the work of God in the book of Nehemiah, the book is represented by a dedicated passion to the Old Testament could not find any other places. The truth of God's Word for Nehemiah's passion will play for it no matter how big, and even today, in our time, and indeed will desperately need.’ Thus Nehemiah is the first feature with many of the topics in the book of Nehemiah in this modern living with our appearance and can be most closely connected.. (더 보기…)