To build the temple(Studies of the)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“You climb up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the temple, inasmuch as I rejoice in it, and will glorify Jehovah has spoken it”(Hak 1:8)

Studies of the appellation
The Hebrew Bible this book's name school 1:1Follow the Prophet's name appeared in the headlines of ' close call '. Does this mean the Passover, UPC, A pilgrimage of temples, including Sukkot is associated with the Hebrew, ' he ' seems to come from the Festival, On holidays, Or it means a feast. 70Inn station(LXX)Is this book called this the ' Agios ' section.
This book was written after the prisoner location on your machine is a member of the school of Economics and tax books, Studies of the, Zechariah, Malachi's first book was classified, Hebrew school of Economics in the tenth book of the minor prophets has been classified as. (더 보기…)

Jehovah enjoyed SIM(Ezra)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“21 Gripped by the offspring and live in the land of Israel returned to his room, all distinguish themselves from the taint of Israel, the Lord God of Israel, belonging to people who find eating 22 Enjoyment, this kept me uneducated while Leh, so this was enjoyable for them as Jehovah and also the Assyrian king's mind, the God of Israel back to them, God's temple architecture reached a hand to make the power was”(S 6:21-22)

In the name of, United Kingdom
Dar la and Nehemiah were originally one book two book as had been.
A Latin translation of the Bible, in the book, where you can earn it first referred to in the book of Nehemiah, and Esther de Las, you call Honduras 2nd s.
Again, this depends on where the two books is the school of Economics.
In other words, in the past, but in the Bible, and then to English at the Hebrew Institute of sex before then you on the home page, Daniel(The Hebrews, even during a nuclear accident at the Palestra Kirsten system). (더 보기…)

I will be their God(Ezekiel)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“19 I give them one heart, and a new spirit in mind, such as those from the stone and remove gentle mind, given as live 20 My rates are subject to the Act to keep my decrees and they will be my people, and I will be their God "(Gel 11:19-20)

Ezekiel's designation
Ezekiel is the son of the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem in the Bush.
BC. 597The King, Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem and the King and his mother and the Queen by Hoya long, And many prisoners were snapped up by Ezekiel was also among those involved in the(Kings 24:10-17). Babylon bobbled as Ezekiel ' feet’ The River House building family life lived up to and(겔 3:24). By the way, the Jewish elders often find there was going to consult with(겔 8:1). EzeGell is being held the long   the Hoya is God's fifth year, is located in the call has been received the Prophet. (더 보기…)

The jealous God(I steal)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“2 The Lord is jealous and retribution God when the Lord is Avenger and goes to his wrath is like the Lord's Avenger and self for parties bear the wrath;
3 The Lord is slow to no and get punished for this power is never let no crop is Freiburg Hashima unto Jehovah's roads are in a whirlwind and light wind clouds are his feet Mote.”(I steal 1:2-3)

Jonas has declared repentance from road wagons over 100 years later, I steal all of the road has been declared an ultimatum for DOS. The Assyrian with the advent of the Nile further down the road to downfall. Historically, boys bent B.C. 640United Kingdom, and is divided into, The arms have been advancing as Celestine. Palace of the nation are in Egypt, and watch the ruthlessness of the revenge of, Assyrian has accumulated hatred for expressing. An example of such a hatred of the Prophet or steal are in:(Meyer). (더 보기…)

House of David, won let them for(Isaiah)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“Isaiah won the House of David, is to let them bothering you people it regarded as the God of small things is also trying to harass me?”(Four 7:13)

The main information of the judgment and salvation in Isaiah.. ' Jehovah of armies ' 62 times, ' Glory ' 38, ' The Holy one of Israel ' is the word about 27 times, ' Remnant,"13 times.
Jesus quoted from Isaiah 13 times and, Acts of the Apostles 4 times, Romans 4 times has been quoted in the New Testament by 21 times. This is the most commonly cited in the New Testament prophets and, The other prophets put together will be cited more than. (더 보기…)

Justice and love, Do with God(MICAH)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“People Oh Lord what would you look for you that I have four Jehovah's will is the only justice and love the arguments(Was and seems to love:Modern man's Bible) Modestly yours with God not to”(S. 6:8)

MICAH comes to their country and in the middle of the prayer, His deep genuine bona fide Chung jung young top sermons. MICAH is sometimes enough to be environments Isaiah but sometimes obvious logical connection to literature last name not present in other topics also proceeding without a subject.. According to the prophecy of each type of Pocky to pursue a variety of literary techniques has been trying to move the hearts of readers in the. (더 보기…)

Facebook has opened a group of PC communication KCM
1990PC communications, started in the Club by former Korea PC Telecom Ketel, Dacom, the Korea computer mission was the activity within the clairvoyant(KCM) PC communication Club meeting..
In addition, at the time, was the PC communication user activity, Are both pastors gather.

Here, in addition to coax the fragrance through the future of design are of prayer for each other, and by working with as sleeping space opened.
At the time, the Club also in yeongjegyo this Pastor is currently open KCM ministries are operating.

Jehovah's do now(Yo El)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon ListeningWorship AM

“Whoever shall call upon the name of Jehovah shall be of me in Jerusalem, and Zion Jehovah said that have avoided it for the rest of the characters of I will have do Jehovah's”(JOL 2:32)

Joel has 6 years of athaliah usurpation was followed by King je·Hoi ' a·da the reign of King jehoash was early on in Ministry. At the time, the young King as Phil was the priest admits the sovereignty of Jehovah and je·Hoi ' a·da has established a new Covenant, The Baal shrine was destroyed(대하 23:16). 요아스 왕은 이댤랴가 들여온 우상숭배를 척결하였으며 손상된 성전을 수리하였습니다(대하 24:7). And this temple was a fundraiser for repairs earned huge success when trying to settle the true worship.. These outward changes, as well as at the time of true repentance and worship in order to let Joel is God's message.. (더 보기…)

For example, to find the number of people

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon ListeningWorship AM

“The King of the Jews, because this is where we are with my God of his from the Magi worship him do you have come to”(T 2:2)

About 400 years after the Prophet of Malachi, God's prophets are also, Did mention that us priest. There was no light in the world. Is the era of spiritual darkness. God, I've lost something. Parents have been orphaned as a child, lost. Know where to go, Dont know how else to live. This time around the philosopher was born all. Socrates, Confucius was born in people all this time. The lost God people are looking forward to see the philosophy world, But even there, the expectations on the religion, there is no answer. Just get up a bit on their minds, take solace themselves the degree of anticipation as a way to.

Jesus comes to Earth and ascend to rebirth after Christmas did not gain popularity until the Church feasts A.D. 325After the meeting, I have been to the Nicene religion. Therefore, since the first church was 300 years Jerusalem's Christmas even notifying..

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The country shall belong to Jehovah(Obadiah)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“Redeemed on Mount Zion shall step up the mountains of Esau referee shall belong to Jehovah a nation”(Mad as hell 1:21)

The dome to help God's people Israel irked rather than adults for the, The content of this book is God's judgment.
So sometimes this book other Nations despise and curse and howl that sounds high, but only his nation hopes the impression because of the narrow, ethnic chauvinism that flak.
However, this book is a teaching-oriented information, see the neighboring countries(Israel)That does not help to see the hardship of being rather it as self-(Edom)Make a good opportunity to get the benefit of an indifferent nation is predicted to be a referee.

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