Vineyards are a servant(2)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

Jesus said,(66. Metaphor(6) – Vineyards are a servant(2) ) / Text : T 19:30-20:16

"Being the first half however as later, first woman to be in the future a lot. (1 Heaven is like a utility player to send them on to the vineyards landlord who went out early in the morning shineth 2 For me the day I was born Leon apiece to drinkers and promise having in the vineyard 3 Another tertiary: turns to tell the people also are playing on the marketplaces, 4 Let us go into the vineyard too did unto me unto you hereafter considerably and we have 5 In addition to the sixth: and my district: and I like him 6 Even in my teens, I tell people to go there again, Bonnie 7. Why is unto all day hanging out here atrocious unto him, let us bear who?, this is a do not write unto you also go into the vineyard. 8 Low water every vineyard owner is this stewardship they call later came to bear, Le party, from the first up to the wages are to come 9 Chapter 11: having come to those who have come in, I'll always take by Leona 10 Get more from those who have come before and she thought we received a trumpet Leone apiece. 11 After the landlord is blaming the horizontal 12 Later on these people would always have a time only, and can make us all day and the heat was born the same as us. 13 Ask one of the masters he answered and said unto him, friend, I could not fault you for or Leone's Nora Yes agree AMADE 14 Yes it would take later on this person would be giving you my hath shown 15 I have my way because I do that do you think you are evil oath) 16 This is the first that later, first as an echo-like "as a later

In Uganda, the Ministry told the missionaries would be by this recall. There you go, not even to people who do not live in a "report to gulmeojugeo the whole world seems to be" demons and in Uganda and was. These days, I see a "whole world seems to be going to North Korea demons." what to say to the South crosses so many demons have gone where to attach the foot if you are into North Korea. The whole world, and looking at the Korean peninsula north of us.. UN opens meeting, known as the North Korea issue in. However, what is clear is that we need to pray is that for the sake of North Korea. North Korea may even saints. They started to believe, although now they also believe that God will give such talent,.

Stay tuned you wont even look at the pastor and repeats per say. Do not say that only one story addition. It is similar to the. The pastor is not the only such a thing. If you look closely at the Bible also say Jesus was a favorite. Jesus is the word is slightly different and was a favorite, but it has the same meaning. Matthew 18:4, 23:12, Luke 14:11, 18:14You can see in the. How can people say this place is said to be about. "Who tall are you sleep, while increased who exalted la"(T 23:12).
This is Jesus ' is official. 6 he is the root of God's body: "I will take that as equal to God, not here: 7 Rather the self having been "like with the empty species of clamp(Bill 2:6-7)He says. Jesus is being motivated through their lives.
I'm going with the Bible. Matthew 19:30Clause. "As the first and later as the first, and later to be known as" La women's lots!. This Word will be back to this. "Being a later, first as an, First, as the word that is later shall be "today will last 16 body. We are here to say that between the two verses, you will notice the body today.
Today, the body is put in parentheses between simply understood as. Therefore, ‘ ’ Vineyard Fast, first with the story "will be later be" is when you understand what you are saying is.

Master and servant are vineyards and promise to get back to work differs from the incoming time. ‘ The first person a day(12Time)Is ’. Then the incoming person no. 3:, Then at 6: 00 p.m., 9City, 11Comes with. Day twelve-hour days are counted as 12 in the first person all day and working time, Then the man 3: 9 times in deuleowasseuni?, He then spent the remaining six hours at 6: 00 a.m., 9: 3 times in one, 111 time only, at the time of the who. However, all products, regardless of the time of the masters for the wages of sin, and I will deal in Leon.
And calculates the work wages. In fact, how much to each other and can work to have come in knowing. Later on, I will be giving everything equally when calculating. This is the master agreement will be as. However, these are the people who are complaining about the master's count. He refers to the owner of this. "One of the 13 master answered and said unto him, friend to the I have to fault you for or Leone's Nora agree AMADE 14 Yes it would take later on this person would be giving you my hath shown 15 I have my way, so I do that and you look at the line and where the analogy to "16", such as being the first with that later, first and later as an echo in the "cheers for good work.

Visually impaired youngho Kang(Dr) Professor's words "among persons with disabilities is a hassle but unfortunately it does not say".. He is visually impaired, although many feel uncomfortable to live the world is absolutely does not think it is unfortunate that a confession. It is a lesson that we have borne. When this is not the case but not to complain. You can complain, yet more. Saying that "it seems the beans in the garden of m gulgeo."I've. But it would be good to me.

This analogy itself but in fact being understood as unintelligible nature. The average person to understand the difficult situation is that the set. God is telling us that this fair you would like to teach that God is unfair will look like. First came a lot, lots of it fair to one person is not to be? If you calculate the wages today are actually so people are employed when inconvenient people like will do a demo. This company will be operating in bankruptcy, if you. To illustrate these abstruse point has been tried numerous interpretations of the body.
Some people who came in early and the interpretation did not properly. Work hours of labor is measured by evaluating only, it is difficult to. Spend time watching the news or early, but an idea, but who later there's a distinction between a hard-working person.. However, this interpretation of the rear bar is not notable in any basis to the body pillow. Depending on the amount of the owner's labor and that which does not claim to calculate wages. The amount of emphasis they place emphasis on grace than masters.(15). If, when you have to calculate workload and early will be beneficial once the whole person is. And today we will do the work to a pulp. Thus, it also seeks to receive award. Maybe you were the more aggressive in this manner Jesus said this is not hard for us to think bigger. By the way, here are the issues too. He will be hoping,. Thus salvation is by the grace of God, and we will work.

First, at the time of Jesus likened the Jewish people is given in. At that time, the Jews are God's chosen, and it has been filled with pride because he had. As early as a servant who was calling, and later complained that draws. Not audited. At the invitation of God in Africa have themselves declined the. You will see the son of God. He despised the. For this reason, where did you come from? It is their pride. We also like the Jews at the time of Jesus through this analogy should not be. The world of professions and through people must think poke fun at materialism. The blood of our nation did the missionaries well it looks like we lost value so as to live in, On the other hand, as well as characters who believe in God and punctual people curious people and missions, North Korea must think poke fun at people who. This was at the time the Jews and no.

Today, the owner of the vineyard in the story, appearing in the body of the great masters of. First of all you are calling vineyard worker owner. But the gracious calling the. The worker continues to call only once the worker sings to much. A worker who has to call went out in the morning. And by the time our country on the nine o'clock am, Heat two:, At the age of five with the worker, the PM even pm'd. So go ahead call the owner true in this worker in the gracious host of. For many people the opportunity to work is the owner giving you evenly. And sings without conditions to the worker. Why do my vineyard to come here, will be called.
Your! The owner of the vineyard and we stand in awe of the God. God you are calling on to today, let's pull up worker vineyard. You are singing without conditions. Masters in such a calling because we received a calling into the Kingdom of God. God will continue to call this grace that were probably part of this world may end being judged. We are still calling for the sake of God's judgment and the end has given us opportunities without. We deserve God's Vineyard but not God's conditions for calling, calling, because we are all God's Vineyard was brought to work on..
By the way, this vineyard are the invariable order. Owner and only contract handsets. 2Section "having a low day or by appointment with them goods by Leon vineyards were called to let more than one". The owner of this character having them and I sang and the promise of Leon per. This is called bear's contract is received by the owner. This contract is immutable.. Absolutely no destroy. However, this doesn't mean you will take precedence and the masters. If you look at this agreement, well I will, bear's condition has been called upon, not the masters and masters will one day will be a day I promised by Leona. This owner came to call them bear country and promised the wages of this grace of that work.
7Section "unto all the goodness and blessedness here hanging out at rock. Horizontal writing in the US, this has no bearing on this is it. You also go into the vineyard unto. "and the. God is life, and life's calling the referee, as unemployment is. Jehovah God is the life is unemployed but no.
Your! Got nothing to do in the world, Kicked out of a job and worked hard to come to church!. Don't be overly concerned about eating and living. Look at me to know. The real unemployed is a person who is not a God,.

Vineyards in the early morning, "at the end of this why people so sad as you are receiving?
First, I will try to deal. 2Section "the low-cost h drinkers and promise…"The first people's will is only if. They agreement are prone to trying to. Which ones did you have the tendency to. They are their own, and soon they are doing are so conscious about. Nowadays, young people are better than us when it went. I did not ask. In the Church is that life itself, how it was any preacher?. Sunday school teachers who have had so much thanks.
Second, Job evaluation the. How much does this, one would think you could get. They evaluate the others too. They keep everything carefully to leave. They know how time consuming and for how long, and how many days?? You can heat all day and had to keep a lasting. God-given grace to think himself without thinking, and ruckus.
Third, They have started to complain. They have gone to the happiness and joy. Christians Christ Jesus becomes unhappy, complaining that instead of rejoicing is how are tragic,? This whole thing is in the fact that they have forgotten to grace was the result.. The most serious and frightening, their mind will have the landlord's unfair chords. One, I think it is unfair for God through is.

Devote a lifetime to Dr. Schweitzer in Africa, and people have come to look for young people. "Sir, I did a great job as a teacher in Africa. "Schweitzer told the young man brimming with Dr. morale in {In doing so, La}Has high. Dr. Schweitzer youth-directed, is to organize firewood deliveries have been a persimmon, Carry water coming, It was clean,. In the beginning was very hard. However, the tired I told the Dr. within racking asked young people seemed to have. "Doc, I have come to a great job as doc, This year fetching water or firewood and clean I or l and try not to come. "Schweitzer, Ph.d. is a small, devoted to the mind cannot do great service if you do not have succeeded.

We can't have any contract with God is a sinner must realize that it is. God gave us when u have any vineyard work pleasure is to thank. I'm not even going to use the term "serve no. For the sake of God, then serving as if I feel like writing to waiving what, so that. When this agreement is more than you can be a scary horse.
We just thank God the blessing given me by the referee to be among the best, there is only do. This is also thanks to.