The continuity of the word

"Ye ye do this ye shall say to the child, the child is telling his children that the child will speak to posterity unto them."(JOL 1:3) "Grace" is the cavri…말하고…Say…Say unto the "Hangul(Revised standard version) The Bible speaks of the ‘ ’ is three times the original came out the ‘ ’ comes only once the word fight Pardo.

Instead, ‘ son, Descendant ’(Ben)This three times and also Le(Forever), Oh, Herr(The next generation, Eternity)Appears. It is important to a lot of words only, and is not, Revelation of the revelation of continuity, as well as for its own pass rather than this is the highlighted command. Does not fail the Gospel.. I mean to be a Christian a few percent in current times, How many of the Church's attendance is important, but more important than that is the next generation in the word of God is to this mess?.