I have the word of Jesus

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

He entrants who?(23. I have the word of Jesus) / Text : John 1:1, -19:13
"In the beginning was the word, with this word of God, and the word was God."(John 1:1)
"And he was wearing clothes that the blood is called the word of God the Lord"(Total 19:13)
"Since the beginning of the word of life's eyes that we heard about this bar's attention and we hope have touched by hand."(Day of the week 1:1)

Why did Jesus come to this land, your?
Jesus gives us the word of God is to come to pass. In the meantime, the Prophet was sent too, King was pulled over, The Prophet also sent. It does not mean that there was no need. But now, finally, himself the son will be sent. Because he had been while people are God's messengers are the ones that have a servant. Jesus was a man came before the last. John the Baptist.. He said the mission to straighten out the way ahead of Jesus being the ones that I've. John the Baptist, Jesus said "I have to repent ye heaven and comes after me is mightier than I am capable of and I know God wont handle something he baptized unto you with the Holy Spirit and with fire, please"(T 3:11)He is a person who was. Nevertheless, "I say unto you, the woman who gave birth is greater than the cost of this is not yet the Kingdom of God shall be yours and the extremely small than me."(Luke 7:28)Found that. John the Baptist, and finally God has required all priests, The Prophet, Wang, You will have to send the Prophet. Now all of these roles, but Jesus Christ, the son of God is to rise at the end of the. Jesus did not first have been completed will they finally finished and now welcome..
This is an important point, Jefferson Bible is written the word ' if the Bible is God's Holy library missing from us, we shall have the most unhappy ". Another Andrew Jackson ' is ' as the rock and the Bible, the United States and Britain's Queen Elizabeth is ' I'll all territory, even if the Bible was ' retracts and.

The word became flesh.
Jesus was simply to give only the word of God was gone. This word has become flesh of his. This is what you are saying?? Jesus is the word of God is called a chunk of. In other words, Jesus himself would say that God. So today I'm the body 1:1 "In the beginning was the word, with this word of God, and the word was God." cheers for good work.
And John 1:14"The word flesh and dwells among us each that we woke up in the glory and the glory of the only begotten son of the father's grace and truth is the fullness of the Lord", and was.
Do you know who your best scary? He is himself a horse keeper. Jesus said, as well as for those of you that keep saying themselves. So John is the expression "and he was wearing clothes that the blood is called the word of God the Lord"(Total 19:13)Has high. But there are people who say that reports. We are looking at a shame when the Athletics say that often.. Not because I said so.. Then the athletes "then you try it?You can say ". Jesus said this, but if your going to say that we will be hard to follow.
The Word could be the flesh of Jesus ' obedience was possible because there was a. We do not obey this will be by no means let us say.
Kim Jang-hwan, the son of the Reverend Dr. Joseph Kim can say during the. If you go to school, he was called a half-caste would hate to go school so teased.. Let me send you to school to see the father United States Korean guys trying to get into school, "why is the United States scolded was shot only. Also over the issue of marriage father is a Korean daughter-in-law wants to see the United States wants to see a mother and daughter-in-laws is that the. By the way, has been fortunate enough to get a fair bride Korean-American. But as the biblical name begotten baby name wanted exp good name lends itself to recall Ephesians 6 children, parents in obedience to the word reading and I thought I'd have a purebred wish I was getting as. So the family was told, her grandmother said, ' Yes, son, not because of how enduring the hodgepodge!' Tell him to burst..

Came to serve.
Matthew 20:28 "The son of man came seomgimeul tries not to serve, but many of his life as a snob for weeks." therefore, all the sins of this world to Jesus on behalf of instructions and the purpose of the Atonement has been a wealth of their SIN leads to salvation and eternal life is to please, which leads to.
You come to serve us.. Does it make sense?
So John the Baptist said.
"I have to tell you that John was involved in horizontal ought to be baptized, you come to me?"(T 3:14)
Then, in the meantime, many of the prophets, Wang, The Prophets came they eoddeohaessseubnigga? To be honest, I was a little shrug their shoulders. How many gods do? The prophets of God and a lot of people to lead this horse.. And the King came to see how I do? What if cancer hanger saga? Cancer guys serve hanger saga? Or is it to punish the bad guys come to point out that? Jesus is never welcome to the cancer does not row earthâ. How do we find and punish the wrong seeing come here, In addition, it noted, and, If you have only to say that before God's judgment have been prophets or as there is no.
God the son himself said that we would be glad to serve.

One day Theresa was living with one of these questions, you will say to her. Then Teresa is one of the children of the pus is when touching treatment. This is she is stood by this question.. "Sister, You people who live well, Live in peace people, And higher barabolttae such people to live life on the spot at the time trial did not form? Are you satisfied with this life?"When I was asked this question I have to answer this famous Teresa. "Bend your back ministering to those who do not have enough time to look in on.”You have to say.

Jesus is at the heart of the former Word
This is why the Gospel Jesus preached? In short, you can get away by hopeless hopeless us not? I hope this has given us the. In particular, our nation is how did live miserably? Difficult and did not send the years of suffering is difficult to?
What in such a condensed milk. In any country, or picking flowers and pool features a beautiful legend and names, but we do not. Could not afford life we at night-blooming ' evening primrose ' Aero ' crooks, indigenous flowers ' was called. All are asleep at night would be freezing the blood a little questionable.. Gregoire will be the ' crooks ' North. A child named ' Balsam ' or ' there is no such thing as ' Daylilies such as beauty.. But soon I'll wash out under the name ' the flower as a daughter-in-laws ', ' Daughter-in-law belly ', ' Fox pee ', ' Valerian ', ' Snot herbs ' is a short ' dog testicle flowers ', ' Widower X’ It is etc.. A foreign person is ashamed of speaking about our flower name. Why is it so or was? So add it to your mouth to be seen as an exclusive years shame does know enough to listen to kids jokes ' flowers ' to revile was overpowering, and the heart is turning.

In the United States, which is what happened in a fishing village. A refrigeration warehouse company in which guards were employees working three shifts. He that is making the rounds at night was one of those incredibly large frozen warehouse depot was found to open the door. I think what happened, he hurriedly put in a warehouse. , There was an empty warehouse. This is when the winds stop blowing and pouring the door closed and I. Large frozen warehouse doors be opened only from the outside because he was a rusting and stuck between a rock and a.
By dropping the temperature of the freezer over time the body is cold coming was getting harder to breathe oxygen any. I think the big thing for me has been the CR as there was no way he was forced. The next day was the morning. Then worked to shift the expenses came to Office, no one thought it odd that just entered the work like no other. And the guards opened the door to a broken freezer. However, he died a broken freezer freezes in a fellow guard who was the gruesome dead.
Why do people would have died a broken man in the freezer froze over, I think it makes the body autopsy. If you've ever moved yourself here and elsewhere I have even thought to kill it was a non-nonsense,, And there was no space in the air due to lack of oxygen, which is why I could not see the dead.
Psychologists are flipping the mental interpretation for this case. In other words, he began to think of themselves.. Refrigeration Chambers knew had failed expense will have thought of themselves as the temperature goes down, Gradually over time and space, in the air, sealed and thought it would be this really froze him out and made to suffocate.. We have indeed learned this fact that the mental world is scary.

How scary?? People lose everything so if you are suicidal. And indeed, there was no length limit. But that is the way the Lord my well. Demon-possessed child's parents to "Jesus: can this I mean not the Almighty, who believe there is no"(Just 9:23)고 하셨습니다. 망설이는 자에게 “구하라 그러면 너희에게 주실 것이요 찾으라 그러면 찾을 것이요 문을 두드리라 그러면 너희에게 열릴 것이니 7구하는 이마다 얻을 것이요 찾는 이가 찾을 것이요 두드리는 이에게 열릴 것이니라(T 7:7-8)고 하셨습니다.
"Those who believe in his name, even to the children of God, gave the right to become"(John 1:12)Found that. We will be glad to serve not only gave up to become a child of God. I don't even live in a little house, well take a look at the man's home and children live, but why is it so it was broken?. Once upon a time in the countryside Gala House, Portrait home, Work at home moms, or by getting a priest know if mochi is one of the more it is great because you can get the power. And as far as I know there is one more person on the side of the cake when you are not looking to bring along so that we couldn't be broken.
Now we are God's children to the authority. You do not have to die in the world. There are reasons that even what you have left behind.. Me and you were given the authority of God's children.

United States, Tennessee, a small town in the East, There was a young child named Ben Hooper. These kids didn't know who his father is. The other was around friends to hang around on a map. Parents are playing with a child and a father who did not like.. 12When you buy, It is hoped that the young Pastor the Church has a new Boo. Ben Hooper newcomer went to the Church to see the pastor. Sitting in the back seat and sometimes even go to church before concluding that was the epitome of a glimpse of the exits on this day falls to stop the preaching has been come out with people captivated with Ben Hooper is not seen the pastor "whose son.?"And I said. At the moment around the atmosphere suddenly became quiet and it was weird.. And Ben Hooper stepped away so jump. The pastor is then "I know who you are. You are like your father can know at any moment because!"There were more people around you face is stuck. The pastor said, "that's right you'll immediately appreciate God because the resemblance was! You're the son of God!"He shouted. "Thou art the son of God should be fantastic to live beautifully!"Through the years has been the Governor of Tennessee, Ben Hooper. He was re-elected for a second term was the young babes. Ben Hooper, saying: "I am a young pastor, it's nice to say that the son of God took that day is the day the Governor of Tennessee was born right away."He said.

You must preach the word of God is.
Jesus came to serve us, and this is not what do you preach the spread the word? Sorry, but the lady who have gathered to spread.. In General, anyone who was not with the good things of the de la Overture will spread out.
Jesus taught his disciples and through them, to spread the Kingdom of God was also in order to. Jesus himself will preach the word of God is to getting. "Attention will be propagated to the harm of grace might."(Luke 4:19) And have you run this command,. "Jesus came to Galilee is extensively taught in the synagogue, and NISA us preaching the Gospel and heaven"(T 4:23)I've.
In addition to his disciples "I give unto you a light getting in raises saying ye hear in the ear, and preach on the House"(T 10:27)He found.
Paul is also a "you've got to spread the word when you got any nails, any number of distributing gifts of patience and teaching has always been committed to the Lord book and boundary and rights."(Timothy 4:2)Has high. These words spoken by obedience we want to celebrate this visit in the flesh as Jesus.

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