The jealous God(I steal)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“2 The Lord is jealous and retribution God when the Lord is Avenger and goes to his wrath is like the Lord's Avenger and self for parties bear the wrath;
3 The Lord is slow to no and get punished for this power is never let no crop is Freiburg Hashima unto Jehovah's roads are in a whirlwind and light wind clouds are his feet Mote.”(I steal 1:2-3)

Jonas has declared repentance from road wagons over 100 years later, I steal all of the road has been declared an ultimatum for DOS. The Assyrian with the advent of the Nile further down the road to downfall. Historically, boys bent B.C. 640United Kingdom, and is divided into, The arms have been advancing as Celestine. Palace of the nation are in Egypt, and watch the ruthlessness of the revenge of, Assyrian has accumulated hatred for expressing. An example of such a hatred of the Prophet or steal are in:(Meyer).
Nineveh was one of the first mentions of in the Bible for Windows 10;11Have been found in, Here in Nineveh to nim'rod built by has been noted with the main centres of Mesopotamia. In addition, reference to Nineveh 2 Kings 19:36And death 37:37Has been presented in. However, these verses are shattering h. Nineveh of sons murdered him testified that the place has been recorded. A more accurate statement of Nineveh eventually recorded the Zephaniah and Nahum can be found from. The electron is mentioned, but as against Nineveh Nahum is ' implied ' about Nineveh, called the destruction of Nineveh as the heading text to be pasted in a vivid and imaginative and full of power because there is a. This is the Assyrian and Assyrian painted the dispute of Babylon's literary works and compared to the obviously excelled. On the other hand, Nineveh, mainly dealing with the other Scriptures is the Cove. Nahum and nearly 100 years of staggering recorded are known to give moral lessons to the Cove has been re-edited claims(Ewald)Despite the fact that Nineveh is honored to provide information about the that 's-that's very valuable resistance.

Legend has it that, in Nahum is a live cow died there than MIA, but according to this book, he emerges as a Prophet from Judah, the Jews, and activities.

Nahum is a book seen as genius and poetic talent. In other words, I 1:2-9Of the alphabet:(acrostic: One phrase at the beginning and end of each row is a bonus: Type de, This book provides the first letter of the alphabet in order of enforcement.)Is. Al Rabe, China and Vietnam, To answer in order, such as ' Mel the boiler body collar’ Type of poem.
This form of poetry is Psalm 119 appears as ' on the part of the octal: '.

Nahum's poem appears in three features.
① to recognise the country's Savior, Lord, and all the points, ② the Assyrian policy was God's wishes and criticized the points, ③ the Assyrian, Judah is seen as a tool to beat. Soon the Nahum's message point is Lord even though all the people of God by taking even if the ultimate purpose of Jehovah to Judah, Judah will be beneficial(I wish the word of the Lord. 3:8-17).

1. Conservative Party of God
Nahum is among God's declaration that appeared in Chapter 1 exodus 34:6, City 103:8; 145:8Are found in God's great mercy and faithfulness are found in the Declaration. In particular, he mentioned the second half looks somewhat similar to the exodus or Psalms, From here, God makes an emphatic against her for mercy or patience in this conservative spirit rather than filled with envy and peek.. Born of God verses about patience at the Castle I 1:3Slow to ' no-God ' is only a representation of the only implication.

1) There are two nature of God
The poet is God has presented two contrasting natures Nissin. The one God for human beings to resist God's nature and, The other one is God's mercy and love — is the position for the chosen people. But the poet is in the midst of nature, the look of, The forces of nature continue to portray the drastic action of God through the present by.. In other words God is to this day the sea as well as dry river even dried human life as the fierce heat is dominating. Would like to emphasize the point that a poet here, however, the forces of nature and through what's called natural who is about God's activity.

2) Proclaiming the goodness of God and peace be upon him
Nahum is thy enemy to those who are suffering as a result against the will of God was proclaimed as the prophetic(I wish the word of the Lord. 1:12-14). This means that the Lord is evil against the people of God in terms that engineered stressed that if the referee can't do mischief is the poet's point of view that the. For some scholars this minjogjuyijeog of the oppressed nation Israel which puts an element called "excludes".. But the deficit against the Lord their God, no matter how strong was even sentenced to annihilate God's will, the Conservatives are contained. The goodness of God and the name of the enemy will not last longer, Hence the descendants will be left, Those people would be buried in the ground to kill off points. Moreover, graven idols created God poured with hates of the shrine will be referred to in the. As such, the goodness of God, and that he was considered to be the best value of the enemy from the temple ruin them means wanting to hast. Here God is usually the best values are four important criteria with his enemies by a scold!.
① owned strong ability, ② the continuation of a stable life, ③ the offspring will inherit his family's name through, ④ idolatry is the reality of the four. God and the false values of those against was first refused to turn to the glory of God from the evil days have been actively developed. But in the end rejected by God, because even if they are proud of the strong military and national power, no matter how it all will be a fragile and helpless ones. Soon, the goodness of God and the authority of God, one of the wretched fate of Nineveh, we would treat. On the other hand, appeared in this book Jehovah's sentencing, the Declaration of peace for those who are faithful, suffering enormously.. Soon they suffered at the end of the, Break the yoke of the enemy and their straps, this will be far from free. And this news is the turning of the mountain top to the floor Tuesday to be learned from seeing a forwarder.. The forwarder of the message before it is ' peace '. By the way I think about peace from here look at Hebrews peace does not mean mere armed conflict stop. As soon as peace is a mere suspension of armed conflict, as well as each individual's peace and bring peace and prosperity of his people, the peace of the community, And the divine, or as an established life in order of State power is a concept associated with the. In particular, I 1:15Declared peace in the Lord is shown in the proclamation of peace when we have peace through the recognition of the season and vows instructions. At the same time, given the living under God's blessing ceremony was required to keep the. At the time, it was not until God is Judas, he declared that the fight against this happen. With the advent of peace and soon-to-be true is beyond mere cessation of armed conflict, to come back to God as possible.. In this conservative party ended up taking God's appearance is of the people, peace and well-being for the deficit is a thorough refurbishment.

2. The fall of Nineveh
1) A warning about Nineveh
Judah's steal or destroy Nineveh itself could have been thought of as a wave of. Accordingly he B.C. 612Year-on-year to ruin by Babel ever towards the Nineveh before God's warning, delivered. But already the destruction of Nineveh is that they are guilty of evil against God and open knowledge as good as this was not fixed by. Nevertheless, the poet is the bane of Nineveh about why the self-styled as the Watchtower?? Prior to answering this question, Nineveh on the brink of ruin, their attitude in this room for the Nations today, There is a room that was rumored of Nineveh ruins. The emergence of new Babylon was feeling threatened by many outsiders, the width of their Assyrian pressure, political thought, as well as a good opportunity to escape from Babylon is one of liberation, I thought it would make the role of. Therefore, Nahum is on the brink of Nineveh is proclaimed the warning for Nineveh ruins not mourning but rather marked the time of ruin, and Nineveh, Judas, people of God had intended to convey. He guessed that the prophecy of Judah is also quite possible that proclaimed. In any case, Nineveh was the bane of forwarded it already defined duties has been granted by the Prophet, but his faith's motto is reverence for God's justice was at the low-seam. As such, the Prophet's position is that of Jacob and appears to be well cited for the vine(I wish the word of the Lord. 2:2). In other words, the Prophet, the term for the branches of the vine must be used and declared the restoration of Israel. Getting rid of those things without the beat predators are apparently Nineveh people and, From the beginning, their inherent elements of destruction and initiated the Assyrian army proved to be a clear warning about the invasion..

2) Confused upon us in Nineveh
Vivid and poignant expression of height from Nahum to evaluate scholars relevant to Nineveh for a look of confusion be the poet's depiction noted.. This means that this book is about to defeat the Nineveh has been portrayed a scene of confusion(I wish the word of the Lord. 2:3-9). Eventually faced the moment of Nineveh streets and its surroundings, the people wish for officials, And chariots frantically rocked next month. Steal or Nineveh people armed to keep the Castle lies the Alpine inspires, but, Already the fortunes of Nineveh province was ambushed by the enemy's military debacle for them, There was the shadow of doom hanging down. The prophets were portrayed on these aspects of, Dressed up with flashing colors and refurbished shield, The threat of manicured and chariots, And elated to the ranks of the bottle cap and a little stretched all over the bottle looked threatening for a LAN. The Prophet, as well as the appearance of the invaders to attack heodungdaeneun was also left out the people of Nineveh. This means that in a hurry and, Get sex, This surrounds the town hit the incoming enemies in order to prevent the disputed weapons hidden in several shields and prepare weary look tired looking, the Prophet was portrayed as a confused status of the flood. Moreover, the most scintillating part of the literary prophets prognosis women wail and heodungdaeneun or of those outlaws is a horrifying appearance. After the King was naked bodies and, The maids in their chest is one country goes to wail, A castle ruin even more gruesome, and it was this same snafus will soon be due to God was by no means eliminated.

3) The ruins of Nineveh
Defeated, the devastation of Nineveh is like horror was captured in the lion's den and. Again the lion lioness will be imported to feed, To ensure that the pups will not come to tear up the beast. After the ruins of Nineveh province, according to a report of a B.C. 401The retreat of the past here in the year was Hella armies this could not find any trace of Nineveh.(Xenophon). As a tribute to the righteous of violence and persecution against Jehovah does not concede the foot Nineveh has the castle ruin. Now the Assyrian chariot of wither in the smoke and, Young Lions Assyrian now will ruin the bilingual Higgins. So now the Assyrian is broken, as well as the looting of the Assyrian Kings, as well as the obligation for the ball of lead will disappear. For this reason, the destruction of the surrounding Nations are applauded in the Assyrian will be sent. The actual historical Assyrian takes drink Barney arm of Nineveh after the fall of the Assyrian rulership in haran and tried to continue, but, His efforts go, the Miss battle(BC. 605)The failure of vain went back to his people even ended up being absorbed in Babel.

3. Teased about Nineveh:
1) Po is evil
I get teased the poet's tone is somewhat Chapter 3-threat represents the emotion. First of all, if you are emotionally prophecy called declarative step and contemplative, Surrounded by admiring the somewhat poetic malice price for comparison.. As soon as a threat is ever proclaiming the prophecy of an alert tone, and piled in Nineveh province, away from the ' evil Lair and a bunch of death and bodies that cannot be’ Appeared in the midst of evil, for comparison.. But the poet's contemplative and relaxed despite the sentiment his words caused considerable panic. It is because even though the poet's tone is threatening Assyrian refers to the enormity of a kind of moral notions about this Act of condemnation and hatred for a cozy ride town Chan is due to deliver this as a punishment. Soon after the poet's point is that the penalty for Assyrian was a fair game will. Therefore, they appear as collateral because of the defeat of Nineveh phenomenon will receive a humiliating shame and. In this context, Jehovah, will wish to make Nineveh, The moral of the lewd acts and other publicly against corruption he will expose the. The purpose of these revelations to make a spectacle of all people would want to keep their shame and humiliation. Here the spirit of Christianity, did not even mention metaphorically mercy. After all, God's mercy is urged to repent beforehand to make sense of the punishment in the afterlife, such as I think it is the poet's point of view is not a passive.

2) Teased about Nineveh:
The poet is Nineveh, Noah has been ridiculed in comparison with town-Mon. Noah was the Assyrian is B.C. 663This is done in the predatory HA. The poet recalls the case of this looting of the town, while Similarly, the downfall to Nineveh on the day of the first ripe fruit of the atomization is like a crumbling fortress, The army is acting like a woman that would become a military incompetent.. Whether as an analogy to the poet Noir drive is perhaps the Noah of geological and geological position was similar to that of Nineveh will appear to be due to. Noah Mondo Nineveh in the Tigris River as the River Nile water to and, The other was in decline, but with the help of this room. The scholars and the downfall of Nineveh Noah about mocking the mocking the prevalent in the ancient Near East Shiga: think.(Smith, Davidson, Nowack, Sellin). As long as both Smith's demise is the history of the ancient Near East was an important change in a paragraph. After the fall of the two cities to the people Israel is God's Providence a gratitude Festival(Season of sacrifice)As long as there has been a great joy in giving. Therefore, they taunted the priests in this new year celebration was called upon(Smith).Smith

3) A vain effort
After the fall of Nineveh when teased about the besieged Nineveh might include the poet's recommendations for resistance was poised to, This is a remarkable irony. This means that recommendations of stealing or surrounded by enemies--through the watercourse might stop to carry water.. And to prepare the army to build Palisade has advised me. However, such efforts will be in vain, I knew the poet. Nevertheless, the Prophet's recommendation to prepare for a disaster is not well understood. But I'm 3 chapters mocking the destruction of Nineveh, called upon when considering the Prophet's recommendation that also you can see that a way of mocking. Therefore, prior to the ruins of Nineveh, but a lot of preparation, and it is already upon us is the fate might not get away with. Rather, the expansion of armaments destined for all people struggling for heodungdaeneun city, Defeat for the city is revealed through the paradoxical exhortation teased. In other words they are vain efforts to mobilize it would be exhausted before war IM. And if they were as good as fully ready, even if the, Again, people swarm like innumerably many undo their preparation will be the, Due to the change of climate and wind flew will not appear again like a swarm. In the end, their resistance is futile effort will tell you that Barlow.

4) The Assyrian on the last day
The Prophet Nahum's last message was noted against the Assyrian king. It's sort of making fun of the military leadership and the privilege of one body as King jinyeossdeon was the last King of Assyria for the lamentations.(I wish the word of the Lord. 3:18, 19). In addition, the last day in Nineveh and the shepherds and the nobles have been teased about his laziness. In the end, the Prophet Nineveh and the Assyrian destruction of God's inevitable said that disciplinary action will be.

  • Yoon Hye-Sook말하길

    And the generation of the Church are usually nice to hear Bible verses-picking, Nice to hear me trying to convey to the Saints. Judgment of God, Of the wrath of God, Against God, who knows the God destroy even more awake to hand out this evil generation proof realizes that by. Back on the road to destroy them, Should go before God realizes the Mission of evangelism and missions.

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