Monks and olive trees

In the old days a monk oil(oil)Planted olive seedlings need. And he “주여, This soft drink do you need rain to grow roots, Give only the rain down”He prayed. Lord has given only rain down. He was also praying monk. “주여, I need the default tree Lord. We can pray to the Lord.” Then drive away black cloud came out of harm. This time, the “Oh! 주님, This tree requires a tightly in order to frost”Says monks shouted.. 그랬더니 그 작은 나무에는 서리가 앉아 번쩍거리고 있습니다. But then Wen I die that evening.”

He meets a fellow monk's living room also, Throughout his strange experience has. “I am also a small tree planted potatoes”And while his teammates said. “By the way!! Grows well. I commit to God the tree. He was a God made a tree. He needs more people like me, it knows better than to. Therefore I do not fix any way. However, Lord! This tree needs!. Whether it's high winds, Sunlight or, In addition, wind and, Non-or, Whether you follow the Lord when the Frost!. The Lord did this, and, And I said, ' well, you know I am praying as well.”Was a.

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