1-2) Amazing everything

1-2) Amazing everything
The second ' surprised ' the Greek word root word (s) that correspond to the Dow Ma(qau'ma)Is.
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apparently from a form of 2300; TDNT – 3:27,316
Can be found in the.
' Dow ' is as a noun “Wonder, Surprise, This enemy, Miracle” Written by.
The verb form is Dow masochists(qaumavzw)By “Extol, Wondered., Amazing everything, It is lauded”Written as. More details  
from 2295; TDNT – 3:27,316
AV – marvel 29, wonder 14, have in admiration 1, admire 1, marvelled + 2258 1, vr wonder 1; 47Can be found in the.

In the New Testament in the form of the verb in the example   used 7 times
“He went and how he has done a great job to take you to see Lee, and propagated to all those wonderfully here.”(Just 5:20)
“The people waiting for Zechariah and he wondered that the delay in the temple.”(Luke 1:21)
“Those testifying him coming out of his mouth were amazing to say the bar gracious unto this man was the son of Joseph?”(Luke 4:22)
“When I got back to the disciples that Jesus would tell you that women and wondered what you view, hast thou not tell him, why hast thou no asking.”(John 4:27)
“The Jews were regarded as remarkable is not how this person would not know to practice writing “(John 7:15)
“Yet strangely surprised to be done unto the man of Galilee saying, people who belive in?”(Line 2:7)
“They had Peter and John saw them speaking boldly nature study found that as criminals have wondered, and I also know that before I'd had with Jesus”(Line 4:13) Is.

Do in the body scissors ' Dow, shell ' “To my surprise, Marvel, Miraculously”Was used as a.

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