Jehovah enjoyed SIM(Ezra)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM
Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“21 Gripped by the offspring and live in the land of Israel returned to his room, all distinguish themselves from the taint of Israel, the Lord God of Israel, belonging to people who find eating 22 Enjoyment, this kept me uneducated while Leh, so this was enjoyable for them as Jehovah and also the Assyrian king's mind, the God of Israel back to them, God's temple architecture reached a hand to make the power was”(S 6:21-22)

In the name of, United Kingdom
Dar la and Nehemiah were originally one book two book as had been.
A Latin translation of the Bible, in the book, where you can earn it first referred to in the book of Nehemiah, and Esther de Las, you call Honduras 2nd s.
Again, this depends on where the two books is the school of Economics.
In other words, in the past, but in the Bible, and then to English at the Hebrew Institute of sex before then you on the home page, Daniel(The Hebrews, even during a nuclear accident at the Palestra Kirsten system).

Nehemiah, The priest was called, was a law student at(S 7:11). He said when the King of Babylon as the SARS shut adag since many Jews returned to Jerusalem to lead.
Offer sacrifices in the temple that First Nations women and married priests will have to divorce the people command and highlighted compliance with law.

He also plans to run a religious education as a methodical and deliberate in order to raise the temple architecture and religious pedigree, including strengthening of training and after years of domestication of the nation has been focused on rebuilding the.
Under the King's command, the SARS shut the adag Nehemiah Jerusalem and Judah to rebuild the castle of a governing authority has returned to Jerusalem.
Ezra was a return after 14 years.
At this time there were several rooms around the nation in the way of strong personality and owner of Nehemiah to rebuild the transit of armed people to, One of the important aspects of Defense has successfully on a map.
He is a religious, Social decay and weakness of the nation to overcome and achieve the reforms built big ball.

Ezra and Nehemiah was a prisoner of State Israel in room 70 years of God's grace and power driven yet again Israel as is the case for rebounding records.
One of the most important records in the purpose as the ' proof of fulfilling the Covenant '.. In other words, because the Lord promised by the prophets ' Israel for recovery of the Covenant '(Reference, Four 44:28, 45:1-4)How have accomplished is to demonstrate the. Therefore, the sovereignty of God and move this to Judas to favorably in Malmo and a barbell and builds up as the leaders and education and give rise to the same prophets Zechariah will also fulfil this purpose was that God's Providence for. However, the accomplishment of the fleshly body is just such a recovery is not written solely for the purpose of. Israel was in the midst of the recovery of the carnal and spiritual meaning of meaning include a sense of the flesh, that means they can go back to the land of the temple building again, but the spiritual sense is these are true worship is ready to back a law redefining the authority of everyday life, there are a number of things that will speak to the reform. Therefore, the purpose of the record of one word from Ezra's return to Israel and rebuild the temple priests and fleshly recovery ' and ' that the law, The recovery of the spiritual life and godliness, through the ' recover ' when God made a Covenant through his servants before he has fulfilled the promise of salvation, surely you can show '.

So Ezra consists of two parts of the structure can be classified broadly.
The first is 1-6 as far as the first group of returning to India with a barbell and his Ministry..
The second is the 7-Chapter 10 as far as Ezra is the second return to India and its Ministry..
The first Ministry is mainly physical recovery, In other words, despite the opposition of the temple reconstruction and completion are the ones relating to the.
The second Ministry is also in the mainstream to achieve spiritual reforms in Estonia, these structures characteristic of ' contrast ' are well revealed.

The main figures of Ezra
Ezra has never overlooked, and a myriad of important names that are overly which comes out a lot. Is the author of this book, the main character, Ezra, The return of prisoners of war had led to the primacy of the Group lived and the barbell and Seth bar Yeshua, Suspended temple built for Darius to award a rumor from my boss and my Moon dot de, As well as studies and Zechariah the Prophet, such as up to several Kings of Persia and, indeed, there are a huge number of names have been recorded. The original theory of this book the whole gocali for these duties would be to double that in front of the Kings of Persia in the already decided to skip the, Studies and Zechariah is Haggai and Zechariah, in dealing with the introduction of more and, In the group with a barbell that is due to several disagreements about the relationship between Ⅴ. Among the challenges in Ezra Chapter 2, ' in the flesh and deal with the relationship of the barbell and Seth bar ' in this stall as part of the introductory ' Ezra ' and ' dealing with ' Jesus only ' and ' my ' and ' Moon dot de boss opted to skip the ' since there is no known material will be mine.

1. Ezra
' Helps ' means Lord of the high priest Aaron, when King zedekiah as for 16 GB of Babylon as prisoners have been recaptured, Raya was the son of(참조, 스 7:1-5). 그는 바벨론에서 출생한 자였으나 모세의 율법에 능통한 서기관이었고(참조, 스 7:6), BC. 458Adag, no. 7 Texas, is(참조, 스 7:8)A man of about 1,750 led goes to Jerusalem to the return of prisoners of War II led. Returned to Jerusalem, and called on major religious reforms, so that the central information Department of the Gentiles was to marriage. This means that Jerusalem returned to the room with a woman's marriage is prevalent and that all the people who repent, repentance and mourning has already let Chi came marriage was cancelled. He then married Gentiles was written a list of those which were concluded for that matter to the public before the.
By doing this, the Gentiles, and terminated the marital problems of the EES called prisoners of Judah Nehemiah, leading after the third round of the returnees let me conduct a Nehemiah to conduct reformation weakened once again with this Sukkot was reciting the Torah on the season(참조, 느 7:73-8:12), 전체가Reference 죄를 고백하는 총회의 날이 준수되었으며(참조, 느 8:13-99:37) Leaders recited that the law is the law, and(참조, 9:38-10:39), He was opposed to the marriage rooms, Keepers of the sabbatical and Sabbath, The temple tax and, The sacrifice, and the wood and the temple is an example of a legitimate swore themselves to supply water.
On the other hand, Ezra's political positions do not have known much about bar. However, he apparently Vaasa Court were any influence is evident in the. This is the fact that he received from the King of Aramaic as the SARS adag dossier relates to the Treasury in the privilege and the right to appoint officials to have received(참조, 스 7:21-26)에서 잘 알 수 있는데 에스라는 이 권한에 대해 하나님께 감사드린 적이 있다(참조, 스 7:27, 28). In spite of these privileges, however, he was not a political leader, such as the book of Nehemiah. He was Governor General, unlike political leader Nehemiah za'dok the series priest teaching the Torah and religious leaders as a main task it was..
Available in diameters of bond called on well-known in Kyung had victory. After the book of Esther de la according to 14 chapters has been lost from the Hebrew captive situations, school of Economics and has written 24 books published by recording it again and, He was such a fast time in the school of Economics of 24 was able to quickly copy the priesthood is the power of God, because he referred to the. For this reason Tosef. Sanf. 4:7' Moses, Ezra hadn't come earlier than the Torah it is written that I got there..

2. Jesus, Oh
' Jehovah is salvation ', which means you will be able to know of an example of B.C. 586Years is recaptured prisoners of Judah to Babylon, one of them being a temptress doc(The luxury of doc)The son of(Reference, Target 6:15)As it was on of the high priest was sleeping positions. Haggai and Zechariah ' Joshua ' as it is called, Jesus knows the best car of prisoners generally return to Jerusalem led the group in the name of a pair of tubes with a barbell is mentioned often in this community of Jerusalem from their religious political leadership appears to imply. He is a prophet, a crane and a rebuke of Zechariah greatly stimulated in the group along with a barbell when it resumed the temple construction was stalled by the completion of the temple, which he also plays an important role.
Jesus knew the prophet Zechariah was the subject of several of the implied fantasy. According to a fantasy of Zechariah, Jesus appears before the Court and that the Court of heaven, agatsuma-gun, he's getting my sin by his dirty clothes and changed into this ' clean clothes ' and gave him a high priest of the temple being given jurisdiction comes the fantasy(참조, Seug Chapter 3). This illusion is qualified as a returning POW's Office on the verge of doubt about Yeshua's divine approval for the religious authority to express fantasy appears to be due to. However, unlike these fantasies and Zechariah is 6:19-14The high priest David family of rulers, instruments group Babel about the throne represented by the Governor General, their secondary role that it should have presented this illusion is that he owns a great privilege when it comes to the temple, even in the book of Ezra, which showed the group in East of Babel as well the role that can be implied. But nevertheless, Zechariah the Prophet two equal collaborators, In addition, the evidence was treated as a partner and it is those two standing next to the ' attention of the whole world are those who ' Bali Fortune oil(참조, Seug 4:11-14)You can see that from the well phrased. On the other hand, the Bible is largely the achievement of the Ministry only Ezra and of which only one in his family was married to his wife in this room, many of the private records ' Ezra's room Lady's marriage is recorded in the list '(참조, S 10:48).Reference

  • Yoon Hye-Sook말하길

    Oh ~ ~ listen with historical stories.… I will have to buy. He is a tremendous preparation to prepare the word ~ !!! Peace and demonstrate mastery of all God's plan made under…This is the history of the world is by God's plan… The entire Bible is God through revelation, an amazing looking at the flow of history …He looks really impressive examples of leavening receives.

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