Jehovah grace haramati(Zechariah)

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Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“20 But the army said Nora again as Jehovah and several hundred more would come in inhabitants of Castle town 21 This town and go to town residents said that as soon as we go looking for the Lord Jehovah of armies, you can hit the grace I am going to a healer. 22 A lot of people and mighty the Nations come to Jerusalem looking for Jehovah, Jehovah of armies will, grace”(Seug 8:20-22)

Zechariah's name
The name of this book is that India is one of the priests the Levites tribe that night too(Feel 12:4)Great-great-grandchildren, Beretta is equally the son of Zechariah the Prophet's name, ' Carmina ' has my. The name ' remembers ' means in Hebrew ' Carmina ' and ' it's ' is a contraction of ' Jehovah ' Jehovah ' as a noun, coupled with contract SIM’ Or ' the Lord will remember ' section. On the other hand, this name is a station on the ' 70s Zacarias as transliteration..
This is Babylon from Palestine back to Levi, it is also(Feel 12:4)Try to be.
If so, this book of Zechariah is slow 12:16Recorded in it, even in the underworld is the same as that of the priest Zechariah of the Inn..
Zechariah is told from two months later than Haggai began communicating Dario 4th year(516Year)Black Sun is a prophet.

Zechariah is that Israel is responsible for encouraging the nation of the Prophet..
He said if Israel before God, to repent and obey the will of God, his nation was expected to encourage the future glory to.
By the way this thing is called future blessings come through the Messiah..

At this time, the northern Samaria, To the West of Tottori, South of these two is about to be rebuilt in several Nations, such as new Medan Judas has his dreads revival against interference.
So in the midst of poverty and adversity in inside and out moaning people encouraging them and revive the religion is trying to rebuild the country and bring the public school and are a great prophet Zechariah.

Zechariah the Prophet B.C. 520The return from captivity in the returned to Jerusalem. He and contemporaries like the prophets Haggai, whose theocratic politics resurrected(The successor of the exodus tradition in both the Prophet and try to realize against the idealism.), Finally, when you tried to have the hope for. But the prisoners returned to their hometown of Judah returnees come back to win, but, The grounds for a cold shoulder and, And the sense of hopelessness was captivated by the. Because of Zechariah the Prophet even though he was an idealistic Prophet and his nation, Strictly speaking, the new community of Dothan is seeking from Judah have been burned into the heart desires. This means that he is from God, eschatology and the coming Kingdom of God, and have the hope for Israel were asked to be the leader of the. But these days, we have already begun the Prophet Haggai. So he studies with a new order to the reconstruction of the community of Judah by the word of God made up people. But at the time, no matter their political leaders, religious leaders, leaders of Judah and rebuild the temple, a lukewarm attitude problem as everything had been put on hold. But with the advent of the country studies, and Zechariah, God, for the sake of securing a historic place for the reconstruction of the temple was also essential, The Foundation of the temple being temple rebuilt and thought it would be attached.. Among them, the successor of the liberation tradition, Zechariah's excellent recovery of the people Israel is employed is that improvement in their relationship with God.. Hence his prophecies were foretold up though, despite a conscious Dothan from me and relationship with God, it is imperative that the newly highlighted coniferous. He spread among the people of Israel an agreement for apathy, Even more seriously, the Moses in the Torah to indifference and contempt for the devastatingly criticism and, For the word of God to obey and trust, And I urge you to repent.. Therefore, saying that for the purpose of the record of this book, With the advent of the theocracy, which essentially would be declared, To this end, Israel people are confused with the moral ignorance, Religious corruption combating is saying that when it becomes. On the other hand, scholars also Haggai Zechariah and contributed to the birth of a new community of Judah, as the point at which the prey to the value of this book.

A fantasy structure
Zechariah saw fantasies at night are all eight things ..., All first-person and, Each of the fantasy literary form almost similar. It is clear, especially when looking at the structure of illusion. Each fantasy ① foreword, ② fantasy content, Asked about the contents of fantasy ③, ④ was in response to a. This is a simple form of fantasy literature Awards, like the structure and, Even the sentence structure doesn't say anything specifically not complicated. However, this book brings the author's literary expression is channelled through a simple form more than anything else, is that a wide range of ideas.

And there are eight prophecies about the Messiah's Kingdom, a fantasy as well as common ground in that they've been getting each fantasy involves the coming of the Kingdom of the Messiah, their representation of sequential for example shows. In addition, through the query and response to Christian Ron and Soteriology, And eschatology for doctrinal descriptions also appear. One of the features of this book that scholars as a structural feature of fantasy here, but only as a doctrinal explanation will tell you.

The first describes the ugliness of Christian Ron fantasies
The fourth fantasy(슥 3:1-10)And the fifth illusion(Seug;1-6, 10-14)Is. This illusion is often referred to as the Messiah, Joshua is implemented, but will fit in the spring as a model of Christ.

The second is to present the illusion of Soteriology is the first fantasy(슥 1:7-17)과 둘째, The third fantasy(슥 1:18-21; 2:1-5)But I didn't, This fantasy of the God through the defeated enemies of Israel and the Israel of God gather Sun-min shows that wanting to deliver them.

Thirdly, revealing the illusion of eschatology in the sixth, The seventh, 8th twilight(Seug 5:1-4 ; 5:5-11 ; 6:1-8)Which purifies the Israel and God through the illusion, This room and, Awesome examples of the victory was against the scepter of the Lord be.

As such, Zechariah saw illusion is that the structure in the Messianic Kingdom and Sun-min lessons they have to live up to them, the doctrinal proper and concise sentences and showed through the form.

  • Yun, Joseph말하길

    The resurrection of the Lord, the sufferings of the cross soon = reserve day..
    To this end, we wish all those who prepared the origin!.
    Thank you for the precious word. ^*^

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