Only up to Jehovah.(Nehemiah)

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Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship PM

“Only heaven's sky and that Jehovah: La and the land and the land of the Holy Ghost, but above all things water and sea and among those, but please preserve it, and so is the one worshiped the Lord all ye army”(Feel 9:6)

This book features can be classified into two major.
1) Nehemiah is a very challenging reading, animation to kick-start Israel by God as the book people and vibrant relationship with you and call them throughout their species himself when he responded to this call in the remnant that God shows how good he is.. Theologians ' Whitt com '(John. C. Whitcomb)Was rated as follows: in the book of Nehemiah. ' Better than the work of God in the book of Nehemiah, the book is represented by a dedicated passion to the Old Testament could not find any other places. The truth of God's Word for Nehemiah's passion will play for it no matter how big, and even today, in our time, and indeed will desperately need.’ Thus Nehemiah is the first feature with many of the topics in the book of Nehemiah in this modern living with our appearance and can be most closely connected..

2) Nehemiah in believers(Individuals or, The Church, whether) Not necessarily being seen to present their spiritual movement patterns and aspects are as follows:.
① Chapter 8: The Ministry of the word of God(For saying true understanding).
② Chapter 9: Experiences of a sincere prayer(Of sin and confession to God and worship for posture).
③ determination and concrete actions, as is the practice of.

Nehemiah is the whole 13 chapters in the whole can be divided into 4 parts, as follows:.
Prayer(Feel 1:4-11; 2:4; 4:4, 5, 9; 5:19; 6:9; 13:14, 22, 29, 31)
Construction business(1Chapter-Chapter 7)

Nehemiah the Governor General of the faith movement
As Governor General of Nehemiah's mission as the completion of the wall of Jerusalem(느 12:27-43) Not finished. Turn history attributed to Babel's Viceroy in the Group Feel the rods take the Governor back to the dishonest Nehemiah seventy years were ruled Judah will be Governors. So far, no way to tell the Governor that many are private and their nation, and not just for people, but the people are selfish greed, oppression and exploitation have been captivated by the unknown.(느 5:18, Horse 1:8).Feel
But Nehemiah is the Governor General changed circumstances with staff. While the Governor of Judah Nehemiah himself as themselves(12Years of experience) The Governor, of course, be even rust of the Governor General did not eat ' '(느 5:14). Instead, he came to Feel the power building tilted his labourers in this was to bear all the cost of eating out(느 5:17). 물론 그들의 노고를 위로하기 위하여 많은 사람들이 자진하여 공궤하는 일도 있었으나(느 5:18) Nehemiah in order to lighten the burden of the people always wrote the power and he was turned down because of their rust..

He showed a pattern in the body like this situation is so mean and degraded state because at stake was. This means that after all those hierarchal eruption according to the flow of returnees began his kinsman was also prevalent among themselves-that is the trafficking(느 5:5). I also owe a debt to sell his property to dispose of it and even those who are not redeemed, the length of the do.(느 5:5). 느헤미야는 이러한 행위들을 보고 크게 꾸짖어 그들로 하여금 돌이켜 모세의 율법을 따라 생활을 정리하라고 타일렀습니다. In other words, Isaac Barlow would like to receive(느 5:10), The Bell and return business affairs(느 5:11, 14), Remember to keep the law, appealed.

These people were so far has a completely different attitude to the Governor General and their cry Nehemiah's voice gradually has been susceptible to satisfactory and. However, the deception cannot achieve at the power of the book of Nehemiah, it was about religious life of the people. As for the political leader, that the religion of the people could not do against the life would be no maps. So he can ask people from the law of God, by guiding them to the wrong life and has to live up to God's justice. Then in the month of July the Festival finally Judah of the people gathered at the castle of Jerusalem a volley of Ezra is a recitation of the Law Office bells(느 8:3, 8) 그로 인한 대규모의 회개 운동이 일어났습니다(느 8:9-12). However, the fact that these spiritual revival is the word of God from that day written simply rather than those already with a passion of mind when building the Castle happened law hotly yearning for spiritual revival that is already in a hurry to go mind will start with. They have such a spiritual revival is a significant period of enlightenment(8장)과 회개와(9장) As a dedicated practice(10장) Has been ongoing.

Nehemiah's historical background
1. Nehemiah during the activity of the Vasa(Pasa) He was 1 years old SaaS adag.
2. BC. 458Year-on-year from the return to India of the prisoner-of-War II in this name.
3. BC. 446The deficit was because of their gender construction prevents them.
And the already-built portion of the hull was cast out(S 4:23). This news is passed on the book of Nehemiah(Feel 1:3).
4. BC. 445In Nehemiah's return to India in the third round of prisoners. In the heart of this migwihwan of Judah, with the rest of the building the Castle(Nehemiah is the Governor of Judah from 1 years to Texas adag appointed).
5. BC. 444Completion of the construction of the wall in.(Feel 6:15).
6. BC. 433In Nehemiah return to Babylon as a formal(Feel 13:6).
7. BC. 433Years back from Babylon by Nehemiah(Feel 13:7).

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