In the Bible, like the guy just goggle

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

“As the father sent me into the world, even as I also have sent them into the world and” (John 17:18)

The things of God are those who have a dream. The dream is a dream of God's Holy. This is the dream child of God. Without a job and the money, Of course, money.. Have someone help you and, Helping people also.. Got any obstruction and, Even without any interference.. Even in a foreign land on Earth, and South Korea.. Where I am, At any time,, In any situation.. God I love this dream and also a lot of water towards cannot stop the fire cannot burn with. Nobody knows what that is, you will not be able to stop. You will not be able to stop God's way. There can be no shortage of. However, a person's way is successful, but eventually looks fucked up.

As the father sent me into the world, like me…”(John 17:18)Found that. In other words, the “How did God send me to think about!Will ’.
' You are a man of God!’ In the Bible, it just sticks out like a person wants in the name of the Lord when the axis of the Bowl.

Leaving the great things in the history of the characters, too, are people who bought herself first, and correctly. The success ran into obstacles before it was a big. Ensure that the match is maybe too uninteresting obstacles may not. Pearl is a beautiful thing it is to win because the pain.
John Milton was blind to the 44-year-old from 16 years later, 『 paradise lost 』 left a work called. Pasteur is in a State of half dollars can start developing and myeonyeogce against the disease, Beethoven's hearing loss after five symphonies including the greatest songs inspired. From now on, anything I would start again.

I hear this legend will grow People's Republic of China.
People's Republic of China Tae-Picardie(太行山)And og the King of mountain(王玉山) I live in a narrow land between the 90-year-old Wu Gong(愚公)There was an old man named. Lifetime also lived and wipe. One day, I was asked to come and avail himself of the. Senior chapter did you even carvings? Also, in front of the House, let alone looked everywhere 700 Only the length or height in the two big mountain's coming and going back and forth, making it difficult for this House was blocking a tightness. So get rid of that thought, from the mountains and persuaded the families.. We carved out of the mountain together, eliminating the two Globes, For week(豫州)And one can(漢水) Do you want to go straight up to the way the South so we have to let. I finally succeeded in persuading the families. However, his wife is carved out of a mountain of old, you won't be able to get rid of that big body, There is no impossible when you throw away the dirt dug up by the Sacco has been opposed.
We're the dirt dug up the ball as far away from the Bohai Sea decided to abandon and to set, The next morning brought the stone to break the three sons and grandchildren born and set up to crossroads of three dug the soil began to abandon Balhae. Once it was a rewarding day you can take cocks in one year a man named ' die day not far from the old man really fucked up &’ Ridiculed by saying. Tae Yeon-Wu ball said “I'm dead son and, The son and grandson of Rehoboam, the son is also the grandson…” So now the sons of hand(子子孫孫) If you continue, some day I'll come be a mountain has a flat. Startled Reaper(蛇神)Because the mountain is gone bad as Jade Emperor(Yu huang shang di-d)After he appealed, Then we hit a ball's tenacity impressed in the mountains God Isaac row East(朔東) Down to Earth, Royal Jade Mountain Ong m(雍南) Put the ground has shifted. So was the host of two mountains(冀州)And one can(漢水) Even a small hill in the South, followed by the current is not handed down.

The same situation is also over who must have created this to say. This is the power that comes with getting People's Republic of China. But it only came out here ever known d. Not to say it simply is impossible to slow to start work, says that. And at God is the story of God help me.
I saw evidence of this kind of work. If you go to the steel out of Taiwan's Chen came out with when they come out of the treasures in the People's Republic of China and milked the Taiwan National Museum.. This is the greatest treasure that made the car what stone is wearing the ball Ah mow. Not just the ball contains the ball in seven balls. This calculates the current computer can scientists study mowers was impossible trivia. Being a bad debt for a hand mower will.

“This shall ye have little faith: Verily, verily, I say unto you, if ye have faith as a mustard seed I know even with this command the mountain where there will be transferred to the transferred as ye shall not”(T 17:20)
Jesus could have opted to move a mountain. If you have a faith will move mountains. The important thing is this? I'll start. Whatever you're. In the Bible, you'll live like a man just came up.

What should I do?
“I'm the Prophet knows all secrets and all knowledge, and the ability to transfer another mountain even if all faith without love I am nothing, no”(Classical 13:2)
“My commandments as soon as I love you, you love this book.”(John 15:12) Is love. Whatever love is to have.

I'm a child I sang like a handlebar buy. However, there are those who. So I buy a similar decrease is also says.

MOM, I love you. – Source letter from the dawn of love field –
Not long ago, I said to the others that are older than 50 and single father..
The guy is a 5-year-old son and wife went to the country to abandon us sky.
Since then it is not interested in remarriage was not likely will no longer drop off the sky to me so far, we have raised a son by himself?.
Little boy guy single parent homes where the tee I said to try my best not to be confident.. But no matter how primitive man's hand though mother's empty seats were hard to replace?.
Son after puberty, and for me, I eat and I can also package it is now found that I neglected to think and then pulled away to contend and minor works…
Eventually the son do me even during the military failed to properly.
If you're a man suffers, everyone gets excited, I do not need to fuss and tried not to worry about while I was.
And today, the son was sent home from the parcel between the military. With this letter-to-wear plain clothes will be returned. Above all, try to keep in mind the fence on purpose, I was surprised to open the letter I. The letter was, ' Dear Mama ' was to begin with..

Became detached and tried not to be who pampers the mind says. Not that I wish this guy how to leave my father left my mom first, finding more than us??
My mom would just want to believe at the heart of a guy who grew up without a letter was read to the end.
Dear Mama.

Your hands are tough and Tubac, but more than anyone else to clean my clothes and suck gently, we suggest that a mother's hand.
Neat workmanship brings food but other than those few times that I've encouraged my mother's food to ths.
Every time you look at me I ill always stay tuned and look at my hands clutching my mother's best interest.
There are two others people aside from my mom, Dad Bourget but, For me it's a dad, and MOM, your dependable mother always wanted to say.
MOM! To me you're dads, You give me warmth and love, has given us precious take care of MOM. The world's most precious and my mom. I love you.

There is no limit to the love. Love moves mountains. I cherish the people who do, I'm towering over the mountains to move, rather than a great. According to the Bible, you will love the person straight guy. People with body.. To the person not the thousand ears, and poor Iran star. Less than 1,000 precious souls in front of God and everyone..

In the Bible, just seem to come out of what you have, then the protruding? What is a young child-like faith? Just who is that jut out from the Bible. Heaven is such a person is said to have opted for a preliminary.

So now we have to do is this?
Body “As the father sent me into the world, even as I also have sent them into the world and” Found that. Jesus ' disciples and the purpose of God to raise was sending to the world.
We are children of God and called to the Lord as you ascend the Gospel to the ends of the Earth for us to witness the(Line 1:8), And make disciples of all Nations(T 28:19) The mission sent a letter to the world(John 17:18) Therefore, I believe Jesus Saviour all the saints are given as command ground command of Jesus in the Gospel to our mission here, and we must accept for the purposes of this life. In the Bible, you will just pop out of a person falling. The father sent the letter goes live. Doesn't it fillings falling out? Please, starting with a prayer.. Let's move the mountain.

Why is it our purpose to communicate the Gospel and ground command should?
First, Evangelism is a child of God will entrust only to. The Gospel is entrusted to a thousand army of heaven is not an Angel. Jesus accepted and followed God's children will be given to. Your! Who does the more important errands? Not just anyone. The Kingdom of God, the son of God is to their former. Here I am honored that contain violated.

Second, We do not evangelize knowing heaven without Jesus people wandering like lost sheep and a shepherd is dying to see that Jesus is crying shame may be placed under the bottom here. However, they get saved through the preaching of that what you will be glad than you've earned.

Third, You will not be able to go to heaven and evangelism. If I survived conduction box dies and I die, as opposed to those that can't do evangelism evangelism because you cannot do evangelism has to do now is to ground command. 1871On October 8, when the Chicago Fire for years, Moody Church in Chicago, where the pastor Seymour boarded the fire. That's when the weapon was the pastor preached a series next week we are going to be pulling for the Salvation. By the way, stop in the Church fire, I will. Moody Pastor is then convinced of salvation, repentance is a thing to be simeojuji since then are always urged to preach the faith of that decision is an understatement. Salvation is not to delay. Evangelism is not put off.

Fourth, This is because the problem of permanently falling. Does anyone believe Jesus is God, and blessed in heaven forever will be bringing, but whoever does not believe will forever take it abandoned to God because the punishment in hell is to command the ground falling.

Young child into the world when you look at me when I was three. “Crying, Grabs, Foot Bunny triplets.”Is the. This looks like the right people to last a lifetime and is live.
Also a sad sense of living, Rejoice also, Tears and trying to accomplish is to grab onto on the possessive straws. We have learned that the historical mission was born on this land with a. However, in my opinion, seems to be born in this land without spirit.
Not only will this look bad, don't feel health, think of? As if the fish just came out of the water.. Living in a historical Vortex and let me know, I know you, We know the Lord is guiding my life only when he found out that I know the spirit of its mission will be to.

There will be no authentic type is dead. Life is not Iran. Life is not formatted. I just want to know what type of presence to the child who was born? However, there is life.. There are hot. The truth.. Faith.. You love. There are pristine purity in the world.
If you do not believe in the truth of God is the distrust, I actually like the fact that you believe is not a superstition.. Therefore, the true facts and true facts, as is the true faith to believe. Living in a world with my mouth I will refrain from saying that it is a great. That is to say only Jesus Christ said to evidence. Do you believe in the Gospel, that is to say. Please visit the witness of the Gospel.

One of which, the saints of the University Hospital in the cancer of the tongue in the operating room because it has been subjected to surgery to cut the tongue. Horse brass outs in hand, the doctor briefly dwell and “Finally, the word leave??”Was called. Can write, but writing at a later date, the tongue is the language that this is the last. Doctor, Nurse, Trainee doctors ... Look around line people's facial expressions and the atmosphere is serious and, For a moment there was silence and tension as time passes. Each case if, If you give me a shout if there are still English-only will tell you what? Whose name will? Consider.
Finally moving the mouth two stem the tears flowing. “Thank goodness the Lord Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus.”He has been a recurring. This is what we have to say that even in the end..
Jesus wants to say, and just like the protruding ' Bible’ I want the name of the Lord when the axis of the Bowl.

Sermon : Rev. juanggyohoe yiyoungje

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