You know the people of God

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

“11 Only if you avoid these children of God's people, and of piety and faith and love and patience and gentleness, and 12 Fight the good fight of faith in eternal life to take to this end, you have been called to testify in front of many witnesses, goodness.”(Timothy 6:11-12)

Paul, the son of Timothy faith, love, ' you are a man of God is referred to as ' the. Timothy in Ephesus church pastors and, Paul is a partner of. However, the nickname is not a body of the Ministry today there is the ontological call title. The nickname is a non-person is called as a functional designation. Today, we can only emphasize the ministries and. In addition, there are also such a penchant for calming people called. Reverend Dr. listen more than words can, in some cases, your favorite person. M., It is also true to say that the pastor does not. This is the call of minutes and post office. There is the ontological is not called. Nowhere else is the ephesian Church Pastor Timothy. But here Paul does call pastors or missionaries-dong station or. Corinth Church gave birth to the Gospel and to the Saints, but also bore a son, Timothy Paul, is the same person as the Gospel. However, my son!' Do not call.

More important than that.. ' Man of God '.. Timothy is more than being called to Ministry advice. Competent Ministry's technicians are the faithful man of God before it is called. The Ministry is not the first person first. First, the person must be. Being a man of God must work. The same is true blessing. Who do you receive the blessing? Bless the people of God must be. We are not God's man, there is no point.
With a little good will turned up nothing that seems to live. Life is one day will be going without a comment. The passing is like an arrow. How fast does their flowers? It is present, such as their flowers. What is not such a great presence. If there is no God, not human flesh, Star. So, people who do not know God or die, I thought.. Except for God in our lives Yes. If you don't have a God that is half a world away.
I do not have to go the hospital head shots? I'm a scary horror movies I cant see. Even when you go to the dentist we House people must go hand in hand. However, I was surprised to see that the head shot. MRI is not a laser beam into the stat I. His head, Face shape but I was horribly here that will be revealed skeleton looks like. That is me. It was one of the most disturbing aspects of the skeleton I. God does give us only the skull, bagged.
“14 He knows our Constitution and we should just remember that dust.
15 Life is like that movie with this pool the day of the flowers and the like”(City 103:14-15)

We are not of the world Pack. There is only be uglier. Whitened tombs.. People look good and the whitewash, but ugly is only shown. Nature is beautiful. God this is beautiful. Man's life is not in God..

In Korea for suicide attempts per day on average 960 people. Dual 35 people died.. 200812 suicide deaths a year, a year-on-year to 5.6% or 858 grew an average day is breaking out own accord 35.1. 10Years ago, in 1998, compared with 49% of the 8,000 622 suicide or is the growing figures. According to the Korean Association for suicide prevention is based on a celebrity or social celebrities committed suicide, subsequent in a big way when a suicide rate of coverage increases, that 14.3.

God's people should not commit suicide.. Does. Satan is going to die a little if it is not convenient to us buying the what. Loss of strength and ability to win. But God is different from us. He called up. God called us to look at the. Could he tell us. “The beat look. Another bashing behold, Will be opened. Another look at looking. Then you will be found. You can do the job bigger than me”The vision of the week!. Hardship is rather makes us a better person and he. You will learn humility through the hardships. Realizes the truth. Creates the someone who knows how to respect others. Hardship doesn't come without pearls.

Looked like there's no anything wrong job attracts the tribulations. Why does this affliction came in search of a job but could not tell us. Satan has sent some friends what kind of God would find this affliction the criminal presume will come and the tribulations for no reason. Apparently the plucky Poles lived in hiding and I thought they would constrict. This is Satan's true Center and roamed the deep despair as blind stop like a lion roaring towards God is a sad man who spoke of job.

“1 At that time in the midst of Jehovah spake unto job out of the storm:
2 Let the ignorant who think in words darken
3 Do you like books on the waist strap I asked to answer”(Job 38:1-3)

Job is its pride.. However, I have heard the word of God. God is in the middle of the storm said, but Thunder Center job is I've heard. I have heard the voice of God. And I say this “Behold I am what menial to the Lord can answer this rosoida cover my mouth and hand”(Job 40:4) Is said. Your! Lowering in front of God and, God is not the same without lowering the. People are confused with whatever God is a person who is not the person. The people of God is omnipresent and will be worth the drive, It is also with lots of worthy. By the way, there is no point without God. With s, The same is true for all those lost.

“9 You have God like ability to sting like the Thunder God will
10 You must honor and dignity and honor as a captain shall wear the movie
11 I found your empties an oar, and brimming with pride and lower all the characters”(Job 40:9-11)

Shedding the blood of God touches the soul and job instructions and dignity(Majesty)And honor(Honor)And glory(Glory)And the movie(Splendor)His wounds I inflict clothes touched personalities has given back. We have a job after the blessings of this life that no material blessings and received the only story that is more important than facts.. Job changes. More modest ones.. Not understand and suffer were cut. Not a person in pain I learned nothing. A very big pain but he realized no less valuable to the value. There will be a precious in God. There is no wasted. Even if it is the same pain and hardship and difficulty. But God is only just outside the pain. Not for nothing.
However, Abraham Lincoln “God is the same as the presence of ephemera will not make. There is no absolutely no way. One was to exist forever.”Has high.

Body “You know the people of God!” When no word comes more in front of the. “Only(Allah)”Is. The only thing that is. One says. So in this sense refers to the God of Islam.
Indonesia says that the Christian and Muslim are equally God will use these words. But we call it slightly differently. In Christianity, ' Allah’ In Islam, it is referred to as the ' OWL '. So I was able to avoid conflicts with Malaysia like the pronunciation in Islam, Christianity has been a problem to use this persecution..
People's Republic of China called God in the words most used words ' pair band '.. This Word may have a similar meaning, in fact, Zeus. Ross is a missionary activity in the People's Republic of China Mission was there was a pills longevity Lee Eung-Chan was presented with a. And the first Korean(Gul)Translated into the Bible, Who will translate the Gospel and the acts of the Apostles. 1885『 Immersion in Jesus fucking 』, in the New Testament was completed.. In the Bible, the word ' God ' appears for the first time in. But it is unusual.. This time there was no spaces in Korean. All the words are stuck up. But then ' God '(Week, Jesus)The word is out in front of a square space wrote.
This is called the rise of the law. These two laws are the best in the old days, you need to apply only to the King in honor of will was. Ross is not a missionary of Koreans Lee Eung-Chan.. Ross said this to Ross the missionaries of this culture will be accepted. Of course God is supposed to have a King is to pay homage to the notation.

Does that mean God is unique in the body, but only those who believe in God, I think that God is a person who only refers to the best. The fear of God is such a person only. The person who believes in God is best. Knowing this would not be done there is the ontological. How do I buy my presence should be identified to determine whether the. Mission existed where as soon as you come out? "arises from the. Ethan goes to Satan would not exist beyond the self. 50Years ago, Russia's women gave birth to 69 children. It's not a great thing. A human being is a great thing to know God.

People's Republic of China in spring and Autumn period now Chu(介子推)Lived a man named. Jean(晉)NARA mungong(文公)He lived in hiding with nineteen years with. When I go to this asylum, mungong mungong caught by hunting for meat, said fooling their thighs and lead me to buy bear bath. Mungong later know that buying a dog party, Chu's thigh tear without losing. 19After a year's exile and return home after the King out of the Chair are mungong mountains and lived in hiding in. Paddy Slater tried to place even at the ball is out of character by the counterweights have to bring. However, the dogs now are coming into the mountains is a mountain fire screaming mungong popped out so I suppose I'll add and set fire to the whole mountain screamed. So I did come out with mother and burning down the dog who died. This is the result of an expression. Sorry to eat hot rice with the San people, beggars and cannibalism now. Figures figures.. We knew God was in Jesus. Dogs are loyal and love not only sleeping ugly, God will not ask.

Our existence is God's man is confirmed at the moment is the work of God. When one has to kill them all in SEO Mora Bianco. Mora was believed in God and non-judicial. Their presence shows how sure?, It appears well in their mission mode. Even the mission and evangelism in order to have the slave line volunteered to give. I've got this procession standing in line. Your! The slave ship would die in the sea-wet for a lifetime. But why are people on the other line, because there is a slave preacher to hitching. Eager to see inside this Mora- [305Chapter] ' I am Lionel’ Chan wrote in an ode by John Newton(J. Newton in 1779)Make it repent. Newton was a slaver. Traffickers.. Mora is also utilizing the Caribbean, Jen was in Le Petit. His estates are mongering Mora to annihilate them Caribbean District did, in the persecution of. Mora is not only non-judicial slave Tan. Former United States recalls. Returning to the United States preaching tour and frustration over the boat back to the Wesley brothers.. Western Christianity agree each for the Nebula has been falling off a juyeogin D.L Moody. Moody is a college student missionary movement triggered in 1901-1909 up to 300 college students creates a missionary. Duplex in 1907, witnessing the revival movement back in Lausanne for President John R. Mott had. John Mott takes me three laps the Earth running around kicking people.. Founded in the Japan YMCA. Mort is the King who helped American oil Rockefeller. He dies at the age of 8, my mother went and lived without forgetting. The Church is situated in the front when you come early sat on. I have since I was 8 years old, tithing.

Korea University missions but also Moody and Rockefeller's body received this spirit.. University Bible Fellowship(UBF)Even at 61, three nurses sent as a missionary to ordination. 62Year-on-year in the country, detailed the sewing would be dispatched to foreign countries, as had been. Germany is also similar, but as a nurse in the liver when it comes to making money--to send the people. At that time, went to the guys could not have done what he earned money. Position the country for more than half. That money would be economic growth. The British took over 300 years of economic growth we have achieved in 50 years. However, there was a sacrifice for the country and people. But I didn't have a long way to go to at the time as a missionary in the plush has been practiced. He also had a doctorate holder during. At home, the CRA has. Set the sewing machine in the basement of the thirties, and have practiced day and night. Do not get stuck the needle in hand and watching the blood has been practiced. So the State can pass the exam will be 30 people who.

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