Consistent person

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

“35 Turn the light on the waist belt and remain ttigo 36 You come back at home as if he and the owner of the marital doors waiting for the tap to open soon and is as follows.”(Luke 12:35-36)

If you seek a sense of law and what do you want to save?, Craftsman kids favorite son-in-law sense do you think some people? The daughter of a lifetime can be responsible for, Such a person would have to save. Now, no matter how good the condition even though it is not a star. The main thing is this? Wouldn't such a person can be a book, a lifetime? Timeless is a person. It is the single-minded man. Shine, windy or sunny, I always have the same such person is. When the mind is depressing, There always seem to find that place in such people..
God, why did you so good job? An equable mind. What happens is timeless because it was. Satan is the God that carries the incidence. Now eat well live well and God will believe him to have this happen would vary the tribulation. However, the idea of God is different. Job as long as you are confident that you will not bear any cheers for good work. Job's faith are very well. God's expectations were not wander. Job himself upon us and believed in God, regardless of the.
Our Church is only a few minutes of the Saints, but I'm very thankful to God.. You get a lot of gold and a little less of my donation and should not be a big deal to. But I'm happy enough to entertain you after you leave I want to receive the Hebrews. But more important than that, true to the faith of the person who will be. In any case, trust in God, and believe that the Church is to keep. Honestly, who of us is God's first will go in front of anyone. By the way if I go ahead and ask you to God first.. Do not leave the Church. Keep this church. Now, true to its faith will keep. It seems not to have been. Now let the mind. Even at the Church alive, Die, I would die in this church.
And again, please. Our House is God. I can't see this is the House of Satan over the dare. Jesus is the home guard. Did Jesus take care of our children, please to have faith that God.

Jesus ' disciples Peter's real name is Simone.. But Jesus called him, has given the name again,. Suria have Aero, hoping to. If you translate what is Peter to. That means half a seogira. Rock does not shake. It is called to be the one like the big rocks. Not one of those people who always easily tossing is a constant person. The situation is not one of those people who is always difficult, I think changing your mind-changing is a constant rock is named. First, the disciples and gave him the name because it is in fact this name all the disciples, Today, we can see that the name was given up. We must be both Peter. Please make the unshakable rock.

God is good and he found the single-minded man. Where are the reason we call the father God? I would love to directly is true of parents. My parents are always made to the child.
God is the single-minded man find, He also is the father of gods, true heart.

[Caution beware of love and goodness]
Beware beware beware of grace, goodness, love, come to think of it, behold
Better than sky high, the love of the father is a large and surprising Yes
My father loves my big love is amazing, how you forgot that Li
I forgot what my soul, the mercy care all wishes to satisfy God
Beware beware beware of grace, goodness, love, come to think of it, behold
Better than sky high, the love of the father is a large and surprising Yes
Father love loud and incredibly lost me when you hover
That love has found me my wish to satisfy all of my soul to God
Beware beware beware of grace, goodness, love, come to think of it, behold
Better than sky high, the love of the father is a large and surprising Yes
Father love loud and incredibly Yes

Father love is big and amazing. This is because when you don't have change. This is because to equably. As always, please love us.. I came empty handed too, I'm also an ailing body., I've always failed and the heavenly father is my personal.
“8 Its height is the height you will hear him if he want to bear that he shall glorify you 9 He has two beautiful caskets in your head and make glorious crowns hath thy will”(Proverbs 4:8-9) This verse made me a paper box WINS u.s. sisters. It is important that you created is not remembered when he said this, no matter where, true to the mind and will increase if he live by faith.

Who is the man, true to?
First, The body of 35 section “Gird on your back…”Was called. Waist belt straps in person. ' Di ' (sic) of the Greek word is perizwvnnumi(Perry John Birmingham MI)Tighten the tie break which refers to. You must be hooked up to the waist.
Where is the back? Is the center of the body. It is in the middle of the.
“For the Lord is going to count on this.”(Proverbs 3:26) “Will”Speaking of "' Kessel literally means the ' waist '(LES 3:4, 10:15, Job 15:20). When we ssireumhal “Hold your waist slim.”I must say that. Will be attached to the waist. It is to rely on the Lord. In Cambodia, the older of the composition and the pastor can Kyu have been.. It is no longer what is the parents woke up. I have with me, and my legs would be cuddling with two hands. Now this is the end so I think people forget I ever did see.
Modern football is being highlighted at waist. Mead's surviving airborne field switching is good. I got off the opponent's attack stemmed from midfield back.. If you try to fielding only before the goal no matter how well you can eat.. Waist belt straps on one man.. Work belt map.. Jesus washes the feet of his disciples at the time of the belt you are well(John 13:4). We try not to believe in Jesus, hanging out. Follow Jesus and try to work hard, believe in Jesus. Father Doyle; I worked is an understatement.
“10 And God said unto him, thy name is Jacob don't you name again would call Jacob and Israel shall be thy name, and he called his name Israel and 11 And God said unto him, I am the Almighty God, be fruitful, and multiply, and thrives, and people and people, emerging from a meeting of the four kings out your waist”(Window 35:10-11)Has high. The waist is the power of Israel. Hip is life.
When you are a blessing to my knees unto the father of Judah “Jehovah and the abundance of his possessions to his hand, cows that rise up against and hate will not let happen again broken waist four of em”(God 33:11) Was called. God is doing to fight back ported. Your! Don't dare try to challenge God. 100The former is a 100 l. Why do believe in Satan, And do you live? Satan is a spirit of falsehood. God is referred to as against. Adam was deceived here. Sin is because of this vessel.
“The power of the Lord came to Elijah HA-Dong and he was every waist Jezreel is up to the point where going into ahab went in front of the”(Kings 18:46) Elijah prays God for rain and then it was back to the East. God bless you if you stand still not working. Waist-this is the. Is to work. It's not finished working a blessing. Since then., “Three of his belts into the ball and sincerity his body belt shall be to”(Four 11:5)He found. Peter is a two-time us humility back East was called(Baed I 1:13, 5:5). Humility must be our belts. Pride fighting with God when this sash. Satan is God to us is called against the cock. There is no humility. Don't you slave to Satan. Hope you will simply take the belts to the Justice of God.

Second, “…Turn on the light…” Turn on your light is a person.
Original lucno”(Rue Crescent North)The move is a term that refers to the lighting fixtures. Lantern is a must in order for us Flash is to present.
“20 You are also ordered to the sons of Israel woven into pure olive oil with a lantern in order to get to you and stop being so light on 21 Aaron and his sons as not just evidence of the times before the Ark from morning till evening, outside the curtain always gives his lamps before Jehovah, to look after the sons of Israel for generations to keep the decrees.”(Press 27:20, People 8:3) In the old testament, one of the priest's mission of the sanctuary of light not turn off not working.. Even today, the Church should not be a lamp is turned off. This light is shining light to the world. It is the right of the Saints shady light. Is the light. We must be India. The lamp is not turned on, you will not be able to India. Please turn on the light. For others, please when lit. David is a prayer.. “The Lord is my light Lord my God will enlighten my darkness”(City 18:28) The Lord is my light turned on don't like David, I hope God. “The soul of this man's deep inside the light of Jehovah hath searched”(잠 20:27), “For evildoers is such a tough and will get the lantern of the wicked is”(Proverbs24:20)고 하셨습니다. However, God is “3 Upper bound reeds not designed, manufactured, and will not turn off the light to go off and truly will enforce justice 4 He does not discourage the iron shall not build the definition in the lead up to the world, the Islands that lesson shall en-mens” 고 하셨습니다.He foundcame into the eternal light. God did not turn off the light. I couldn't move before the Lord Jesus can go because. Calling the name Jesus.. Will we live in Jesus name. Jesus is the light. Jesus is life.

Third, “Stand” Is the person in the. If you look at our old historical drama King is next to my city ddaradanibnida. And the King went to bed when he heard my poem is always the King will answer at any time when. I'm a drama in the once King “Anyone out there??” So if you are not the answer when the call is never seen. Call anytime day or night, to answer. It is the single-minded man. “For his Royal Highness! Did you call?”And the answer is. The man who is always prepared in. When the King he is a person in the State to answer the call. Instead of standing up with the lights off, Kindle will be waiting.
The body of the 36 clauses “You come back at home as if he and the owner of the marital doors waiting for the tap to open soon and is as follows.”He found. All night long the marital customs of Israel Prize for the owner to feast on the marital home may be desired when the stones. You must open the door when the owner won't turn. You must be awake. Standing will be awake. If you look at the sleeping dog sleep seems to be. The owner will just sound even. It is great. We also have a puppy owner should not be present.
“Moses said unto Joshua, we decide to go out and people to fight the Amalekites, grabbed the hand of God, tomorrow I wand to stand at the top of the mountain.”(출 17:9)He found. Moses worked. God-given victory grabbed the stick.. “All the people standing just once see a cloud on the door pillars, each taking place in the tent door in the stand and worship and”(출 33:10) Was called. Worship is in the book. Not Presssay I want to sit down? Do not try to settle before God. Please stand up.
“24 The SAT does not have geocimi to protect your company and honored him as you before this is be as joy without 25 As soon as our Savior is one God alone, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the glory and the Majesty and the power and authority through an eternity ago now and forever ever Amen”(Yu 1:24-25)

Sermon : Rev. juanggyohoe yiyoungje

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