God's manual

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

“25 Moses cried out to Jehovah, and Jehovah gave him a tree, SR. He threw water on the water this month were there to Jehovah and to those laws and statutes, and allow them to test the new 26 Unto ye hear the word of Jehovah God and obey me and it seems to me, and hearken unto my commandments, all my commandments decrees issued to a person all the diseases of Egypt that I one of ye shall not make to treat I am Jehovah;”(Press 15:25-26)

God, why did you like Abraham, Genesis 26:4-5In Abraham's son Isaac appears well in God's promise made to. Isaac blessing to please God and Abraham would keep an eye on him since.
“4 As with the stars of the heavens your offspring shall all the land thrive on thy seed shall cause your offspring to be born in Canada shall be blessed 5 This is when Abraham obeyed my horses and my command and my commandments and my statutes and my laws that kept rates. "”(Window 26:4-5)
All parents must strive to nurture the children well. God of Isaac, and additional Covenant speaks of his father Abraham. Abraham and God worked well. Well, God the father, it is for the children. The law of Moses in the old testament we have built will understand only when. But God is to obey my word to Abraham, and he protected my orders. Ten Commandments through Moses, more specifically through the God has given this law down is correct. However, there was no law of God even when Abraham. Adam did. Good or evil, it is God's command not to eat, and it was the law. But he commands when he left God Adam spit it out as well. But Abraham is obedient to God's command as a child, Isaac received the blessed.

Today, crossing the Red Sea and the story of the body of Israel, people walk up three days into the wilderness to do Le. By the way, could drink there water wrote. ' Mara ' is the word resort is. Israel people are experiencing a tremendous miracle of God 3 days prior to the incident, but 3 days because I forgot I had. No matter how big God's miracles would not even 3 days. Humans are so weak is the presence. 3People who work with young children feel good but when crossing the sea the Red Sea by land went up 3 days you can feel the human limits of the road Bonnie. There is no water in the desert. How much would this pushy thirst? So Moses took the blame(Press 15:24). This is the first time Israel is an article blaming the people. 3The other day I forgot my miracle of God was.
When I think of God's miracles. And that miracle would please give credit bounty. Do not blame. We are here at the same time, human frailty and the sinners still sees that there is a limit of. Why do you blame Moses? They can do this, you will need to consider what. Now pray to God once was not. Moses, who won the damn thing, not unconditionally, you must ask. What if there are people who should not be blaming others only. Should not such a negative person. Trying to find a solution, you must.
Tico, Auntie and grandeur is the talk of a lady. “Sister, T bought and how much to give?” You will hear this sound, I think because I am a lady back home tend to receive heat. ' Who is making good money, if the husband Tico take??’ While it receives the heat alone. But a wise aunt told him exactly like the ugly girl. “Mercedes-Benz into a live bonus for Yes.” This is a hilarious story. Think positively and in Salah..

If there is no water when you're being prayed for God to kneel down. I know I have seen the Red Sea parting. Now you can have the faith that you know. By the way, was the first to complain. So Moses was praying to God.. And he throws water branches is to have been able to eat this month. And today in the body of the God's laws and statutes, will. Why is baptism necessary laws and will rate the next time a similar incident when you don't mess it up now would be asked to teach. It is a kind of manual. ALO do not complain as the manual would be asked to. So it will be prescribed by the statutes and statutes.

Strengthening the incident and it is hard to convince us in regard to the Navy, one ship was sunk early also took a long time to figure out how to defense ministers that is to be known?. Chairman of the events I have been to look after/49, Defense Minister had reported that less than 3 minutes later..
It's late Chairman and Defense report “Situation control Mac's mistakes” Is called. I think you would make mistakes aside? If you go to the army, it is stuck on every wall is the status Panel. But what does this have to do with mistakes?? It's hard to believe that even as I say this it is clear that not only was the discipline of the military, this is a problem in and of itself significant..
Now this is what isn't on par with foot straps crying era. Only one non-verbal, you can inform the content of 1 minute cell phone what complicating, so he took a long time to see that an important event that should not be unanswered. Eventually transformed South Korean President Lee Myung-bak for the first time since the founding fathers ' full force major commanders chaired by meeting’ I've(2010.5.4 Flowers) This is difficult as it is to the. North Korea's invasion of the South is not giving up and we will be into Mannerism. '' A strong military is a strong weapon of all is a strong mentality is more important’ Has high.
And the issue of ' national security system and measures to raise and oversee the maintenance of the national security agency, the Presidential Council will be configured’ And older. The country is also an emergency occurs and, if necessary, fix the issue if exposed again: and I will make again. Similarly, God also, sir. Believe God did not live up to the Jewish nation in Egypt and he established the law. The manual makes. And we have God, you must follow the manual.

“Give unto you a commandment to love one another as I have loved you, love one another”(John 13:34) Jesus has come to sum up again the commandments. At that time the Jews as far as the ten commandments, as well as their friendly hair stylist had the commandment of 613. Jesus, this is too complicated to sum it up again because the type has to be biased. “Love one another.” Is the.

God is in the body of the 26-clause “Unto ye obey God or hear the word of the Lord” Found that. Already we had a manual that the Navy was not in accordance with the. But the same is true for the missing or not. The word of God.. This commandment.. Unless you live under, but we literally of no use.

The first is to obey God. If you do not obey the law, no matter how many you can make no use.

The second is the “It seems to me, and”Is. Is a row of.

The third is “Keep all my decrees”Is the.

“Jehovah said unto Moses, which, until ye have not kept my commandments and my going to the law?”(Press 16:28) The body of the exodus 16:28What happened between clauses? At first, when the problem occurred, Therefore, the monthly rate would be made to norms, Decrees have said. But God does not tell you is that it is still. A person does not keep the commandments does not work. However, even if it was not avail a perfect manual. Even the word of God will only keep the precious. Jekyll is happening only when history.

출 15:25The laws and statutes from God, scrambling to get turned on 16:28From God “I am trying to not kept up ever?” And on our Web-site. Did any of the Bible in the past. If you look at from the standpoint of God really is a thin ride. 출 16:1 After the second moPress that came from Egypt, 15, has already led to the wilderness in Elim. By the way, in section 3 “Then the sons of Israel unto them out of the land of Egypt, we have meat when I was sitting by the kiln and the mochi is killed at the hands of the Lord when you treat stuff would have been nice to have ye brought us to the wilderness, taking the whole Congregation is trying this week to die Todai-ji Temple” Is called.
And God said to Moses: “I have heard that the blame for the sons of Israel;”(Press 16:12) He found. Now Israel people going in without listening to the word of God at all. Rate regulations and decrees as to the manual as you will still think of them as without.
We need to know. As my mind coming churches, To my mind it is only God's rate regulations and decrees do not follow. The word of God and therefore must be obeyed.

“Love me and my commandments, keeping the cloth up poo obliged;”(Press 20:6, God 5:10) And given the ten commandments. In the first three(Purebred, Of, Decrees Herder)Specifically, what are the 10 Commandments given to the parent (s), and. Kindly fill out this word tablets.
“Ye shall do my commandments, and I am the Lord.”(LES 22:31) He found. Why is this word sanctified for the offering Leviticus decrees in like? God is offering to God's command to observe is that the. Your! We worship God will provide for keeping the commandments of. Offering only!, If you do not hear the word of God to worship, but of no use.
King Saul in the ears of God's Word without paying the Amalekites to win I was going to dedicate an offering to God. Then “Samuel said unto Jehovah, burnt offerings and other sacrifices that hearken to the voice of liked to do favors as obedience is better than sacrifice, and my hearing than the RAM oil”(Samuel 15:22) Was called.

“Wherefore, ye shall remember all my commandments, and you shall be holy before God of”(People 15:40) People can be holy when you keep the commandments.. The Old Testament book of exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, all of which will be recorded in the Han dynasty. And in this sense I have forgotten in the Bible. Will not come out. Then, about 400 years after David comes from a scene in the testament of Solomon. “Yes, the Lord, the God of the way he watched law and order the commandments and statutes and is written in the law of Moses as evidence that whatever the open mold wherever you are.”(Kings 2:3) Has high. The amazing thing is. King David, and finds God. Long before God's laws and commandments, throw away obvious forgotten passages. David found themselves. Your! Abraham also found he was God himself, all of David.. Today we must find God. If you hate God and the burden of keeping commands I don't hate.. However, those who love God and appreciates his command..
David song.. “I found the Lord wholeheartedly do the commandments from the Lord to say leave”(City 119:10) Is called. ' All out '. This is the ' strength '. Very wet strength so far. The kid will die if there is no power to suck titties. To die is to strength. If the power is left for God's sake, put.
“Therefore, I hear the commandments of love more than pure gold gold is one of the soon-to-be”(City 119:127) David likes, Love is the commandments of the Lord. First it was love. I liked best. If you love it, for the sake of your loved ones is what I will try to.
Your! How do I distinguish between a fake real Saints and saints would? It is only until the end of his fake seeks the beneficial. However, real will be able to keep the commandments of God, praying. I can get before God in that, You'll find it.

And the books of Kings, the King Hez·e·Ki ' Ah in obedience to the word of God was.
“5 [1] of Jehovah God and Israel that Hez·e·Ki ' Ah the King of Judah, during several before and after such person never had 6 Soon he is Jehovah shall not leave from its as Jehovah had commanded Moses kept the commandments.”(Kings 18:5-6) Has high. Hezekiah was not of God.. It's who we are is to rely on the. God willing!. Don't leave God.
France philosopher Pascal “The road to being a true Christian is all about me body, Heart, Substances, Time, Honor, And even our souls will entrust the Lord claims”Was called.
If there is no God and we are not to live San. Looks like it came out of the water, there is life for a while, as the meat is only. Our life is God.. He has to keep the commands.

The apostle John “My soul is good and well it's crime saga are hardy”Has high. The soul should be well. What is the secret of being a soul well?
In accordance with the orders of God to the body when you buy “I made a to Egypt one of all diseases shall not make unto you I believe Jehovah to treat” Command to God is a God of healing. I believe that God will spare line.

There were crying children clung to the evil. Given the drops grow clattering. The song as well as, Delete even if the dance floor.. Love to give and have given off the ice cream. Aunt hugged his questions grow more. Grow to go take out a. Then I went to my mom was rushing into the chase and kids. The child is crying, Barlow found the tranquility.
The child is the mother of peace, Stable and, Happiness and, It is a joy.
We invite you?
Drop, Song, Dance, Money is not my soul's shelter.
When the Lord in my room you will have a peace and stability and up. Only the word of the Lord in obedience to the spirit of the rest you can find the name of the Lord I want to celebrate.

Sermon : Rev. juanggyohoe yiyoungje

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