Abraham's obedience(Genesis 7)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

“1 The Lord said unto Abram, you and your relatives and father's home away from home, I show you go to the land 2 I will bless thee and thee form the largest ethnic group with your name, you shall be blessed doeljira changdae 3 I bless those who bless you, down to those who curse you I shall curse thee blessed through all peoples of the earth who will get the spleen 4 This according to the word of the Lord took Abram and Lot went with him when Abram left Haran seyeotdeora seventy-five”(Window 12:1-4)

25 sheets of 12 chapters of Genesis, Abraham is the introduction of life. Abraham, a whopping 13 chapters are introduced directly. 13 chapters of Genesis, Chapter 50 does 1 / 5 is greater than. In the Bible a person's life example of this is not presented in detail. After being introduced to the extent that David is a little longer.
Noah, Abraham, died in 2006, was born in 2008.. Goose Ham the son of Nimrod after the flood was conceived is a person who gained the Tower of Babel. Genealogy of Shem, the son of a cellar as Arphaxad is the rank. 3 generations of Noah., Are the great-grandson of Noah. After the Tower of Babel, God, who is also the case once was a bitter disappointment. Since then nearly 400 years after the death of Noah, Abraham, was born two years later.

Terah his father died in 2083 age 75 at the age of Abraham Abraham, God has called. And with God 100 years has been accompanied by. His faith does not retreat back no matter what. Flood, was worse after the image of God. There are street people and. Scary man would say is to recognize. But recovery is giving to God through Abraham appears sipnida. 430 years to happen before the law is a blessed person. Who lived without the law is.

God's first command in Section 1 “You and your relatives and father's home away from home, go to the land I will show you.”Was a. Starting with this command, God chose Abraham, be verified without. Isaac later obtained a 100 years old and wants us to sacrifice. Following the blessing that my words will. La Marche is not the blessing Hammam. Anyone follow the word of God is to be a blessing.
In my opinion, did not record everything in the Bible, God can not be other people gave me a similar command can be. But did not record because it does not obey will not have to preach. Noah's Ark, perhaps only to say you may not make. However, people obeyed the word is that Noah was only.
Approximately 400 years after the Tower of Babel, Nimrod would old, more than ever, people like to say things to each other was when those who lived. At that time, going to the land of a stranger, it would discard all of the existing self-same is true. “Hometown, Relative, Father home”Is specifically referred to. This is to leave the existing home will be completely abandoned.
We heard the voice of God in some way not to know.. But to hear the sound, leaving the unconditional trust that is not really the word of God is impossible.
4Section “This according to the word of the Lord took Abram and Lot went with him when Abram left Haran seyeotdeora seventy-five”Has high. As far as I know since the time of Abraham to disobey God's word, or have never tried to fight him off.
Pointed him in the future posterity as the father of faith, but was only one reason. He is synonymous with obedience. Obedience to the Word of God, he was the father of faith. Faith is obedience soon. Today, God is too much ttajipnida. Practice Before determinate short to have knowledge. Learn. God's Word is right and is responsible.

According to the Word of God day and go in the land of Canaan, “Mountains east of Bethel, and struck a tent where moved west to the east of the Bethel'm Ira where he built an altar to Jehovah the name of the Lord called me”(창 12:8)Was called. After that Abraham separated from Lot ttaradanideon scene is followed in Chapter 13. In a nutshell, is the story that is why Salman. So Abraham “Ahnihanya whole land before thee not tteonagara me if you bottom-left to lower right, I I I woohago lira lower left”(창 13:9) Abraham's mind is a scene that can be read neokneokhameul. HWindows not the first place and buying the land will. Commitment to God and lived.
So Lot went to Sodom to live a good. Sodom and vegetation of the water was where the good shepherd Clad jyeoteumyeo. However, Mamre in Hebron, where Abraham, the liver has reached bush. Abraham, however, there “Built up to the Lord saw that the Foundation”(Window 13:18)Has high. Lot and his taking it a good place to come on earth hwangmuhan Stack Foundation. Abraham, the Foundation has built a first Everywhere.
God bless the recipient is a good place to live, but I have a good place to worship God taekhapnida. This is the secret of blessing.

What is wrong between Lot of Sodom?
I `m already better place is there are many others. Giving eye to many people is the story. 14See chapter. “1 At the time of Shinar and Elam King Jade King Ari ahmeurabelgwa elrasal Wang Wang didalyi geudolraohmelgwa goim 2 Sodom and Gomorrah, the king bireusawa Adhemar Vera Wang Wang Wang semebelgwa sinapgwa seuboim Zoar Bella soon shall the king battle 3 Sitdim them out in the valley right now moyeotdeora salt damage”(창 14:1-3) Some of the stone is a kind of coalition rule is King Rao Mel was 12 years, well after the stone surrounding the stronger force other Mel Lao Kings, decimated and resonate with everything went away. Then “Abram's nephew Lot lived in Sodom, to grab its riches plundered from the gatdeora”(창 14:12).Window
Your! Livable land war would not have constant. Toms will be aiming at around Shishi. Good country to live there. How much more would I want to live in Japan by? After you die in Japan quake not know. Foreign Companies in Asia by the earthquake last time they placed an employee in the branch office in Japan, I tried to continue the. So the country is moving towards more.

Humans will live in the three relationships. Material relations, Relationships, Is a relationship with God. God will always test this. Abraham always a matter of human relationships is very important, rather than. The treasure of God's relationship and is very important.

So Abraham's nephew Lot, 318 men to rescue Lot and household penetration - Don hobakkaji we pursue riches and all come with. Abraham is proficient in this war.. Where can I find the secret But this? Is unity. Abraham died siksol shit and come out fighting to trust. They are mainly pastoralists, because you're good, take anyone. Windows are for. But more importantly, it is the Spirit. Abraham's family, who did fight for the jukgoja? Abraham had such faith to get them siksol. Abraham is the man who raised.

Companies'm those who, I know you well at first, he jalnaseo. Yes. Well, Sally is the base of the. But the growing risk of anyone coming hadaga is established that what the fools, Credit is. The company then it does not have credit manghapnida. Would you like to be the big man.? Credit ssateumyeo go live. It is this property.
This small church of fact, while there are times when the power disappears. But last Thursday because of a missionary theology and missions that come and he will. The missionaries, the people who know his story and the missions I theology under the influence of people around the more than 10 people in the office.. 10Every 50 years ago in Seoul, PC communication waves of worship I've Members. Will affect me when he received. And any preacher in the last “PC communications received in the days when roughly a preacher will not influence”He found. It's hard to go his way and is difficult. It looks good, not brilliant by others stride when someone is doing what. Be able to see this week has created a sermon on the smartphone.

Lot and his wife to come back and win the battle with the king of Salem “He blessed Abram, saying, Do two of heaven and earth, the Most High God, blessed be turned unto Abram”(Window 14:19)That is a blessing. At that time the 10.1 gave Melchizedek a wealth of. Abraham is in fact more famous. And God is also true. Yet, despite serving God bless the priest and the people who own property will impart.
Your! Write earned divided. I'm watching you. Imhapnida which impart a blessing to people. See Abraham. It's got a twelve blessed.
Jiyo follow the Word of God. Ssatjiyo Foundation Everywhere. That he will offer generous. If you're alive, of course, God bless this person jiyo be. This Abraham was God's voice deulryeowat. “After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram said unto ahbeuramah of fantasy do not be afraid I am your very big senior four bangpaeyo shall”(Window 15:1). God is with us confirms hasimeul. Even today, the Holy Spirit that India must continue to. People, and only his skills and his willingness to if only for the joy can not be tested.. Even they are suffering even more difficult is - plenty of spiritual grace. I'm going to.
So Abraham will answer this. “Abram, the Lord Jehovah miteuni it here, and his righteousness, sigo”(Window 15:6)Is called.

Between Abraham and God had no problem. Abraham, however, there was one problem.. There is no child. Especially worrying for his wife Sarai was not only me to wrap it up.. I can think of, no matter how Sarai Egyptians can not stay like any kind of offspring from Hagar to be a thought. And begets Ishmael. Chapter 16 coming up this story in Chapter 17, go right really important covenant with Abraham sipnida. Windows 17: 1-8 clause. This is all a must read. “Abram at the age of ninety LORD appeared to Abram said unto him, I called Almighty God make you perfect in front of me issuing”(창 17:1) Now to Abraham, God did take away completely the mind. So now, please complete(Tamim)Is, say. 17Having read through the chapter already God Abram and want to know the problems of children slipping. But later in the story, and build from the first covenant sipnida. The story of Abraham, the head of the center while it is charging 17. In particular, changes his name “Ever since I do not see your name as Abram as Abraham ahnihago which I shall make thee unto the father of many nations”(창 17:5)Is. In the past, Abram(Large Father)Abraham lived in now(The father of many nations)Will live with. Come back to GoWindows to live a new life. In the past alone. Uirowotseupnida. It is a great father.. But now is different. Self-righteousness is not righteousness of God is the agent who. This is the father of many nations. Now try to think back. I will live righteously, Zhuanghe righteous man who I would become, but to no avail unless it Tell Him there is no.
18-19Castle events taking place in chapter 21 chapter Sodom Sarah gives birth to son Isaac hoped that. And by the time you finish the story of Abraham in the same words in 22 chapters from the blue force degrades Abraham.
“1 After that day God tested Abraham, Abraham said: Is he about to call him, he said, Here I 2 Saith the Lord that you love your son take the land of Moriah Isaac Iler Then I gave you a mountain go tell him there as a burnt offering 3 Wake up early in the morning, Abraham saddled the donkey and his son Isaac to clear the two species to be written to take the burnt wood has split the world where God, who spake unto his gadeoni 4 On the third day Abraham looked up away from that place, seen Girard”(Window 22:1-4)

Rather good drama, even if the climax is. Abraham, however, is not a drama for. Jongcheoreom faithful word of God will answer immediately fell. Here we are not just pretending to think I thought it obvious that you are better off. However, to answer. “Here I” Just say the word mine.. Such positions are waiting for the command to include military and. I will fulfill any order. And so then the command is out. These representations might not suit me because there is a reasonable representation “Of the true God jitgunteusida” Such thinking reduces. God knows everything. “Readers who you love”Says that. “Haneunnya love me more than your children.?” That means.
Abraham's response to it “Wake up early in the morning, Abraham saddled a donkey, clear …”(Window 22:3) Here I do not know how much you have received the grace. What's so geuphapnikka? The Way to the child bachireo. But God's command not to perform the delay. Where are these people? Itgetseupnikka can be?
Abraham, obeying God is blessing. Except we do not obey God. What is a good faith obedience. Bachija the God of Abraham Isaac says beotyirago. God did send Jesus to us, Son.
Finally, through Abraham, Abu Hammam called to meet God, not to say. Through Abraham, God, please find. God friendly, Closer to God you wish, Can you believe in God, please try to restore.

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