The servant characters.

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening

"42 Jesus u have done unto the Gentiles of the so-called House organised by our creditors and that the ancients, and randomly gives us the power to know ye a line and 43 You do not have one, or anyone of you and now that you are the servant girl 44 Has anyone of you wants to be a superset of all paper will be 45 I came seomgimeul the argument tries to serve him not, but many of his life as a snob for weeks. "

The watchword among Scottish home was saved to serve '(Saved to serve)"You can say.
Seomgimeul do not know life is a life of salvation, uninspired. We are saved is to serve. We fix it is to serve. What happened is that we serve. Serve as the most important to us is God's mission.
What this is

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