Sao definition interview(Wujing series)

Once a pandemic you wujing series. One day seeing this company interview wujing. I'm waiting for his turn, first seeing the person in front of the job interview. The interviewer asked:  
"Would you like football players were?” 
"In the past, was sung these days."-Kun 
"Do you believe that UFO exist?” 
"Although not scientifically proved." another interviewer asks this:  
"Do you think perhaps the industrial revolution when?” 
"For example,. 19The early centuries. " 
So the answer is well spent because the interviewer is also slated for a bright expression:  

He entered this wujing naojamaja. With confidence and waited for the question. However, with regard to the question of the interviewer:  
"What is your name?” 
"It was a bum these days is sung before." the interviewer felt there, 
"You're not an idiot!"My  
"I think the unknown, but that the scientific." 
The interviewer looked like a lame  
"You've been so?"Quite, 
"From the early 19th century."   says.

In a world of fools fools, Problem with not knowing the answer is a person who only memorize. I'll get it and put it in whatever their basis. These days, we must think of this education would not. These days even the etiquette was where it all started to teach at the company CEOs are tongue fills up.

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