The ability of the word of God(Go to)

Rev. yiyoungje MP3 Sermon Listening Worship AM

“Therefore we constantly thank God that ye heard the word of God to us, when will I receive the words of the word of God and truly goes out to just yea ye believeth in the History Center also.”(Thessalonians 2:13)

Today I went to in order to understand, first, you must understand the background of this period happened.
A little bit in the future, will look at the acts of the Apostles Chapter 16 from the degree of.
Paul in Troas “Night fantasies do you see Paul to let stand one because people that do this are to petition to help us come across as detractors and it wont go”(Line 16:9)As the first European to see the illusion that went across the continent.

“11. We leave the party mode in Troas, direct to the triple to the boxing day going to your pressure Tivoli 12 There's this is Margate in Philippi is also a colony of Rome because of the province's first name is also in this province, was u 13 On the Sabbath we pray hoping the place I sit there on the River out the door with the gathered women to 14 The two purples in the ADI la: serving God as a burial cloth Lu heard a woman that Diarra when Lord opened his mind to follow Paul's words, Shinji 15 He and his house is baptized for us, this is what if I by Le and know as the main believe my home, and we urge you to stay and yuhara. to 16 We pray to is where the species is one of the only I heard ghosts predict, so giving them a big benefit that point up”(Line 11:11-16)

In this case, since the acts 17, go into the “They see cancer non-Tivoli and went to Ronnie Ah Le a go to the synagogue of the Jews there, if the”(Line 17:1)He has. Stay here for three weeks, said the Gospel(Actually more visibility to stay).
“However, when the author of the Jewish people, and any bad people bringing in droves last name todo's hands by the home invasion and found them and pulled to the people”(Line 17:5) Let us not find mischief accusations that Paul's hands but to greet the bail out will give.
“Night brothers soon Paul and Silas to get them sent to the taste buds oh is the synagogue of Jews.”(행 17:10). Beckett went there follow up by God's lightning rod and Line, Paul Silas and Timothy, leave leave. Left to go to the Corinthians by Paul Aden 1 year and 6 months to evangelize the stay(행 18:11). Where to go and send its Lineter to Galatia.

Timothy where Paul's road to the Church through the listen tell him the story matters(Thessalonians 3:6-7). Content is brief, the three.

Reporting : Despite fierce opposition to the religious life is good.
Answers : Despite the multiple difficulties to appreciate that there is a healthy church(1:2-10)
Reporting : Paul's reputation within the Church, There are those who doubt the integrity(2:1-12, 17-20).
Answers : East station for those who have thought wrong and those who do this and now(2:1-3:13).

Reporting : Please note that the imminent second coming by, not the end
Answers : Apocalypse as an excuse to take the Church for those who are not working and lessons learned(3:6-15)

So the three of them have been to send mail because of.
Under the persecution of the Jews, Paul also standing firmly to that Church, first the praise for the. And that any wrong and misunderstanding among the growing campus, the. The main issue to the Church's problem was the second coming of Jesus. People believe that Jesus is the Lord Jesus second coming before you die, but I don't not see even if you're the second coming will was to.

Persecution and hardship in faith are recommended to stand firm,.

Nevertheless, let us not there will not be a problem, the second is to send a letter to.
The second is more intense and distorted problems occurred.

Reporting : Persecution is worse now even more disappointed Saints
Answers : When judgment and punishment be given to senior, Do even more patience in hardship(1:3-10)
Reporting : Did the end of Paul's name stolen letters and false teachings
Answers : It is important to be in the second coming: their programs(2:1-12)
Reporting : Please note that the imminent second coming by, not the end
Answers : Ping does not work to end those who take actions and lessons learned about the Church(3:6-15)Is.


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